originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
So let's say that the base stability for a weapon is 50 and I want to know what that base stability is when you add "Hand Laid Stock" for instance. Is there a way to get this metric from the API?
So it looks like I can pull the different weapon perks using http://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny/Explorer/TalentNodeSteps/ and some of the talent nodes have hashes associated with them. I can't find any documentation on how to use the hashes. How do you turn the hash into readable data or make an additional API call using the hash? Do those hashes lead to the info I need?
Thanks everyone for the help!
Oy, this is a very good question with an unfortunately large and unsatisfying answer. :( The real problem is that TalentNodeSteps very deeply coupled to thier specific talent grids in which they find themselves, and don't have much common information at all. Not only do two different types of items with "Hand Laid Stock" as a possible perk not necessarily give the same amount of bonus, but even two different instances of the same exact type of item won't usually do so. The amount of data that is actually universally common for a talent node step - even one of the same name as another, and thus would seem like it should share a lot of data such as stat bonuses it grants - is (frustratingly) small, really just the name and icon. Everything else is grid specific, and thus specific to the spawned instance of that item and can vary widely between items that happen to use the same name and icon for a given talent node step. As a result, this information just isn't meaningful to get generically for a talent node step of a given name - only for a combination of talent node step and specific instance of an item. Now, for that combination it would be theoretically possible for us to return that information if not for its sheer size: our ideal situation would be to precompute those with the item definitions and return them for your use (which we were going to at one point!), but the resulting data is enormous, several times larger than the current dataset which causes significant issues for our mobile app (and I imagine would for fansites and apps as well). If enough people want this data, we could investigate the possibility of returning this in a more compact form when we find some time and if the designers would be okay with that - but I don't know if or when we'd be able to expose that data. I apologize for the inconvenience. :(