LitC aside, 1000-yd and Eirene make the same numbers. It's been tested
Then why when I compare the 2 does the eirene have more impact?
Found this
Well shit. I was sure in PvP it hit for 452 while the 100/ yd stare is 417
Not that it's a bad sniper. It just erks me when people say that it's the new spear, or that they prefer it over 1000yd because of the impact. Sorry to ruin the tooltip-illusion
I started using stillpiercer anyway lately because I like the feel of it. Unfortunately I can't transfer that to other characters and the eirene almost feels as good which is why I use it.
Well both Stillpiercer and Eirene have low AA which is probably why they feel similar
That's why I like them. Less pulling when people try and do the stuff in 3v3 modes where they try to pull your AA off their buddies when they get a revive.
Because the tooltip is bugged. Go and test it if you don't believe me