Anyone? Remember after the vanilla launch when bladedancer had formidable armour and everyone complained it was too easy to get kills so bungie gave the super an armour nerf (50% down to 25% if I recall correctly).
Now lets compare that old arcblade to hammer of sol:
Arcblade -
50% damage reduction
Can 1hk non-super guardians at close range
High agility (especially with blink)
Health regen with hungering blade
Hammer of sol -
55% damage reduction (I think? I know it's more than 50%)
Can 1hk any guardian [b]at medium to close range[/b] with the exception of FoH or another hammer (And radiant skin sunsingers)
Medium agility (dat increased control though)
Health regen with cauterise
So looking at the comparison we have a clear winner. Considering arcblade, despite being less powerful than hammer of sol currently is, was given a nerf, is it unreasonable to give hammer of sol a nerf?
[spoiler]I'm not asking for anything big, I think all it needs is an armour nerf to bring it in line with other mobile supers (In line = the same as, not unreasonable) and maybe a slightly smaller proxy detonate radius so there is more to the super than spamming RT in someone's general direction.[/spoiler]
No, hammer of sol is not difficult to aim (I have a sunbreaker, I know)
Jumping is not effective, the proxy range on hammers rivals grenades and horseshoes
"Use [b]X[/b], works every time." Does it work against other supers? If the answer is yes then your point is moot
Yes I main a hunter, that does not make my opinion "less valid"
"Titans deserve their time" is not a reason
Yes, arcblade did get a nerf back with the exotics update before Dark Below released. I'm not 100% sure on the statistics but it definitely happened.
I'm not complaining about sunbreakers killing me, not being able to kill them or any of that nonsense. I can deal with sunbreakers, that's not the issue. My issue is with the people who spontaneously combust whenever you suggest the idea of a hammer of sol nerf, I am explaining why it is reasonable.
"The Sunbreakers meager grenade and melee options balance out the Sunbreaker's fantastic super." - [spoiler]Are you kidding me? Sunbreakers have awesome abilities. Incendiary nades are brutal with a skilled throw (Fusion nades aren't bade either) and sunstrike is one of the heaviest hitting melees out of all the classes (Seriously, the DoT will bring you down to a sliver of health from one punch). Combine that with increased control for insane horizontal mobility and you've got a wrecking machine, super or not.
Remember when no one complained about titans? Good times