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Edited by AmBiiTioN-: 11/6/2015 4:20:12 PM

Passive aggressive inappropriate tone from Deej and other Bungie employees

Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. Just look at todays weekly update and the extremely snarky and sarcastic comments from Deej such as "omg he only has 1600 weapon parts left we need to do something" and "we hold the right to do anything with the game economy we want." Does anyone else think snarky comments like this are very unprofessional? Like Bungie you act like your some sort of hero for fixing a problem that YOU created. Here is a comment from another post that explains my thoughts perfectly, all credit goes to user Wahrnye "Just another joke of a weekly update that makes it easier to not look back on this game going forward. Announcing the weapon parts change - Fine, but that's a fix to a problem THEY created. And when addressing the fact that THEY created this problem, DeeJ wraps it up in unnecessary snark about being curators of THEIR living world. Hubris to the highest degree; it's almost as if they're saying how dare we question their choices? Let me say this next part slowly so the apologists can understand: [i][u]Etheric Light and Wormspore uses should have been in the game since September's launch, not something coming soon by December.[/u][/i] They knew Etheric Light was a thing that many people had plenty of and they also introduced Wormspore (apparently) without any regard for what to do with it outside a few weapon upgrades. IIt's going to take them almost 3 months to finally make these things meaningful? These are all issues they created by poor planning or bad oversight, not something they should be praised for fixing AFTER the fact. The rest of the entire update was about the same tired PVP bullshit as almost every other weekly update. No news on new content, no commenting on the terrible loot system - especially in regards to raid drops (I love doing the raid and getting a fourth duplicate item at 302 light... ) - or the fact that Nightfalls, Strikes, and Court of Oryx ceases being rewarding once you reach 300 light or more. I've seen this playbook before. Between this and Activision spouting off their easily manipulated "registered user" numbers (aka 'investor math'), they've pretty much already decided they're going to pander to the base players who believe Bungie can never, ever, do any wrong. Nothing will change going forward. Bungie and Activision are living in their own echo chamber - as evidenced by the fact that they spend more time conversing with the "community" on Bungie-friendly outlets like Reddit and Twitter..." EDIT: A lot of you seem to think im just looking for something to be offended by cuz im a "no balls toxic loser" Its more im just fed up with the bullshit direction this game is taking like timegating exotics that i already payed for to extend gameplay time and patching things like weapon parts for no -blam!-ing reason Perhaps the most irritating thing is the bungie fanboys and dickriders who will stop at nothing to defend everything the devs do to this game and every word that comes out of that douchebag known as Deej's mouth. Go ahead meet me with ninja justice for stating the obvious about your shit company and bottomfeeder fanboys EDIT2 It seems the common defense for Deejs tone is "oh bungie has to go through so much shit and complaining on the forums, people are meanies" You people cant seriously believe its ok for a company to retaliate in this fashion. Oh no a game developer has to see negative feedback about the game they made wahh wahh prayers for bungie" All of you are saying "can the entitled/offended generation go away", if you ask me the people defending bungie with this mindset are the "offended generation." Some of you say, "The customer is always right bullshit has to stop." Anyone who utters this is a complete moron and has either no concept of business ethics or is 15 years old and thinks they are being righteous and hip. Go ahead, start a business and whenever a customer has a problem with you or the product, tell them to -blam!- OFF. Yea thats a good business model, you will surely succeed.

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  • A lot of the stuff Bungie puts out there is passive aggressive bullshit or some snide remarks about their most dedicated players. It's like they don't want people to take this game seriously and just enjoy it casually. Like I'm waiting for the day we get customs in PVP but that shit ain't gonna happen cause supposedly PVP is supposed to just be casual fun. Sorry that this game has some of the tightest shooting mechanics in any fps and that id want it to actually be competitive.

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  • DeeJ had to writte something, whatever and quick, so he can keep playing BO3

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  • All I see here is somebody who doesn't appreciate the fact that bungie acknowledged problems and fixed them, whether they caused them or not

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    4 Replies
    • I support this. Everything Deej had was thrown to him

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    • If I were to talk to our customers the way they do I would be fired!

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    • Bump! I don't care for the condescending tone either. The game's great fun, but don't talk to the customer like they don't matter.

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    • Meh, have you seen the shit written to Bungie in the forums? I wouldn't use the term disrespect in this context, no one has any right to say they've been disrespected with all the shit talk going on on these forums.

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    • Deej is an idiot... All game studio's so called community manager thinks too -blam!-ing highly of themselves... Seen too many of them. As for bungie with attitude, they need a giant -blam!-ing humble pie... They are not what they once were... Typical trend of asshats in a big studio... They forget that they are making fames for us and we make their passion for game development true. Back to the basics bungie. Fire those big headed asshats...

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    • I agree with this week's update being extremely light on details and EL/Wormspore should have better uses since day one but Deej's tone has been this way for a long time, he jokes and make sarcastic comment, he's not the type of drone that simply lay out every changes in bullet point form and call it a day. I am short of weapon parts but i did not take any offense in his update, i chuckled at it.

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    • Edited by SooperSmurph: 11/7/2015 6:52:14 AM
      Go look at Riot Games. Immensely successful, and free. They originated the "soon" meme, and show open disdain for their player base because they know that all it will take to turn them into Heroes of Newerth is a whim of the player base. RG has plenty of money to coast for years, just like Bungie, they can afford to ignore anyone, including their customers.

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      9 Replies
      • Found the tumblr poster

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      • I haven't loved any game this much since fallout 3. And destiny is seriously starting to dissapoint more and more, especially with the flipped around maps to call them knew, and the horrid RNG that repeats rewards 90% of the time to make us play longer in hope of something new

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      • Edited by bLooM_pHaZe: 11/7/2015 3:21:57 AM
        To a degree, you can't blame them. The community as a whole, is so F^ing selfish and self serving as well as moronically dense that it is impossible to service it. Not to say that I am justifying all of their actions and statements per say, merely that over the ensuing years, we have basically shoved a mouthful of our package...deepthrote style and given it too them. Then again, at times they have totally bent us over in part thanks to Activisions Biz^ practices. It's a 2 ways street with certain emotes being stuck in the middle. Not all Bungie employees are privy to various aspects to the raidmap; sorry I meant roadmap, of the company.

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      • Edited by profett: 11/7/2015 3:23:54 AM
        Wow man. Being this agitated over pixels is insane. There's other things worthy of your anger. Poor teachers pay, no funding for the debate team, production of little orphan Annie could use your help. Play don't play, pay don't pay. Go read a book, see what color grass is, play operation. Do anything other than destiny if your panties are this bunched up. Damn son, do your homework and go to bed.

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      • ya i started noticing these subtle tones when cozmo got on his high horse about 3oC exotic drops when ppl found an exploit. how he said oh i talked to devs and they said exotics are dropping way too much, dont worry spend all your coins a nerf is coming. I understand they screwed up something with them that allowed ppl to exploit the system.

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      • You're just now noticing this?

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      • Who. F[b]u[/b]cking. Cares. I bet you ask to speak to the manager regularly where you're out shopping

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      • Bungie creates a problem and needs the economy, causing players to rapidly lose weapon parts and just currencies/materials in general. In response, the forums respond with: "Bungie, what the hell were you thinking? That was a terrible idea. And we highly suggest you clean your up your own mess." In response to the community, Deej sends us a message, and jokes about it lightly." "Losing your weapon parts? Same. My boss only has 1000 left, so we're going to fix it for you." He continues to make more jokes and hopes that the community will be happy that another problem will soon be fixed. Of course, that's never going to happen. In response to Deej, the community says to him: "Screw you. You're not funny. Those jokes were offensive. You fixed a problem YOU created, and just stop trying to be human. Your a pig." Ok now I didn't really quite them that well but I think I got the gist of it. Now let's summarize this. Im going to assume many of the community members have NEVER looked at the bright side for a while, so take a look at what you did: Instead of finally being happy that we're finally getting what we wanted with the gunsmith, and those small bits about Etheric light and wormspore, You actually went to the negative side, and went to simply insulting, complaining, and even whining about how Deej gave us a weekly update. You constantly insult Bungie and give them all this "feedback" to them in the worst way possible. It ain't constructive and filled with solutions, but mostly it's just us giving them the middle finger. Some, like the great "Lost Sols", have been giving them very good feedback, but the rest of us, not so much. Let's take a minute to think about how Deej feels about all this. He tried to talk to us and give us a message in a joke, lightly. The guys trying to be helpful and a little humorous here. Some were a little offensive true, but nothing compares to what we constantly say. And almost half the community just starts calling him an offensive asshole. Yeah, he was a little offensive, but then we returned it TENFOLD. That means a lot more by the way. So can we PLEASE.... Look at the bright side? I'm homeless here. And I do it pretty well. Celebrate that your weapon part problems are finally going to end, and how you will likely never run out again. -[i]The guy with no house.[/i]

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        14 Replies
        • I agree with your first paragraph. Buy seriously needs a TL;DR

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        • I will say this: I agree with you, however I'm not all that upset. At the end of the day they could literally pull the server plugs and flush this game because it is theirs and they can do whatever they want. That said, the snarky tones and dimwitted posts are bad for business, and come off as the consumer being lower status than them. So, ultimately they basically flipped some people the bird, because they feel that they can.

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        • Maby its because they have to spend their day reading all the toxic whiny shit posted on these forums by people who wouldn't know how to begin to make a computer game. But somehow feel they can tell a multi million dollar company what to do because they bought one of their products.

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          1 Reply
          • Edited by RAVPAV59: 11/7/2015 2:56:36 AM
            There is no grand scheme to their game play changes. What it all boils down to is that Luke Smith and company were all picked on a lot growing up and rather than learn not to be tyrannical dip-shits, they've created their own little world where they get to mess with people and feel powerful. Not to mention make vast sums of money while doing so. Destiny was over before it started. If you want to punch its creators in the dick, just stop playing and never buy anything they're involved with ever again. Destiny is (could have been) a great game managed by people with short man syndrome. If this were any other business, the customers would have left with refunds a long time ago. It's too bad we can't file a class action lawsuit for all the false advertising and baiting though. Any lawyers in the house?

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          • This is one of the best posts I have EVER read on the forums. But this is classic Balkanization by Bungie. They have picked issues they knew would divide the community and made those priority. Once they ruptured the community this was inevitable. On what could have been.

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          • Fallout 4 in near and other better coded games soon. Let them alienate their source of revenue with attitude. It's not like they try that hard anyway instead of fixes it's always nerfs for the crybabies.

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          • I talked with my fireteam about this yesterday and we all agreed it rubbed us the wrong way as well.

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            2 Replies
            • I have to say the weapons parts nerf was a stupid idea to begin with. This fix isn't really the best solution. That said the "tone" of the update doesn't bother me. There is no vocal inflection. Any tone is solely added by the reader usually in synch with their expectations.

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