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Edited by AmBiiTioN-: 11/6/2015 4:20:12 PM

Passive aggressive inappropriate tone from Deej and other Bungie employees

Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. Just look at todays weekly update and the extremely snarky and sarcastic comments from Deej such as "omg he only has 1600 weapon parts left we need to do something" and "we hold the right to do anything with the game economy we want." Does anyone else think snarky comments like this are very unprofessional? Like Bungie you act like your some sort of hero for fixing a problem that YOU created. Here is a comment from another post that explains my thoughts perfectly, all credit goes to user Wahrnye "Just another joke of a weekly update that makes it easier to not look back on this game going forward. Announcing the weapon parts change - Fine, but that's a fix to a problem THEY created. And when addressing the fact that THEY created this problem, DeeJ wraps it up in unnecessary snark about being curators of THEIR living world. Hubris to the highest degree; it's almost as if they're saying how dare we question their choices? Let me say this next part slowly so the apologists can understand: [i][u]Etheric Light and Wormspore uses should have been in the game since September's launch, not something coming soon by December.[/u][/i] They knew Etheric Light was a thing that many people had plenty of and they also introduced Wormspore (apparently) without any regard for what to do with it outside a few weapon upgrades. IIt's going to take them almost 3 months to finally make these things meaningful? These are all issues they created by poor planning or bad oversight, not something they should be praised for fixing AFTER the fact. The rest of the entire update was about the same tired PVP bullshit as almost every other weekly update. No news on new content, no commenting on the terrible loot system - especially in regards to raid drops (I love doing the raid and getting a fourth duplicate item at 302 light... ) - or the fact that Nightfalls, Strikes, and Court of Oryx ceases being rewarding once you reach 300 light or more. I've seen this playbook before. Between this and Activision spouting off their easily manipulated "registered user" numbers (aka 'investor math'), they've pretty much already decided they're going to pander to the base players who believe Bungie can never, ever, do any wrong. Nothing will change going forward. Bungie and Activision are living in their own echo chamber - as evidenced by the fact that they spend more time conversing with the "community" on Bungie-friendly outlets like Reddit and Twitter..." EDIT: A lot of you seem to think im just looking for something to be offended by cuz im a "no balls toxic loser" Its more im just fed up with the bullshit direction this game is taking like timegating exotics that i already payed for to extend gameplay time and patching things like weapon parts for no -blam!-ing reason Perhaps the most irritating thing is the bungie fanboys and dickriders who will stop at nothing to defend everything the devs do to this game and every word that comes out of that douchebag known as Deej's mouth. Go ahead meet me with ninja justice for stating the obvious about your shit company and bottomfeeder fanboys EDIT2 It seems the common defense for Deejs tone is "oh bungie has to go through so much shit and complaining on the forums, people are meanies" You people cant seriously believe its ok for a company to retaliate in this fashion. Oh no a game developer has to see negative feedback about the game they made wahh wahh prayers for bungie" All of you are saying "can the entitled/offended generation go away", if you ask me the people defending bungie with this mindset are the "offended generation." Some of you say, "The customer is always right bullshit has to stop." Anyone who utters this is a complete moron and has either no concept of business ethics or is 15 years old and thinks they are being righteous and hip. Go ahead, start a business and whenever a customer has a problem with you or the product, tell them to -blam!- OFF. Yea thats a good business model, you will surely succeed.

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  • Edited by Dooodley: 11/6/2015 3:11:04 PM
    To be fair, Deej has always come off as somewhat of a smug prick. He has grown on me though and I find him to be more funny than a prick nowdays. Luke has always been a goofball and shouldnt be taken seriously. He's just joking around. That said, I can understand how the "their game" sentence rubbed people the wrong way because it stuck out to me too. They need to realize that Jerusalem is the people in it. Now, if you want to find passive agressive, arrogant pricks you should take a look at some of the top Destiny streamers, people this community fund. I will never understand how those people are allowed to successfully do what they are doing.

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  • Who in their damn right mind would constantly show respect and keep a pleasant tone consistently, even with a paycheck, with you bunch of whinnying assholes. They are human and can only take so much. You want respect? Learn to give it. If not take the polite frustrated tone and shove it up the ass. It's simple really. You must not deal with clients, customers in the retail, finance or hotel industry.

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  • I honestly thought it was funny and a good dig at the overly loud whiners, such as yourself.

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  • Bump

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  • It is for comedy

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  • Outstanding ovation! If i could i would elect you for the speaker of the guardian tower. Spot on man spot on

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  • When I read it, I didn't think of them as assholes. I was just glad to see they were finally addressing the problem. But I can totally see where they could come off as that way. And yeah you are right. They knew certain content would be useless. Why wait until just now to be like "oh yeah we're totally going to do something about that for you guys!"?

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  • If you are this sensitive then you are not ready for the real world. One of those comments was a harmless joke, the other was an obvious statement of fact. Make sure you never leave home because you will be eaten alive.

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  • Deej has always been a prick, nothing new there.

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    • Edited by Doc SoCal: 11/6/2015 3:01:57 PM
      More fake outrage, yay. These forums get the respect from Bungie they have earned. Too many people here appear to have zero self worth beyond this game. That is the real tragedy. #enjoy #fakeoutrage #sotrendy

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    • I didn't think he sounded smug at all. And really!? As much shit talking and as many personal attacks as this community launches against Deej, we really can't handle it when Deej's reply isn't to simply take in the ass lying down? You sound like the kid that makes fun of everybody but then gets really really upset when somebody rips on him for once. The weapons part problem isn't an issue, it's only an issue if you wasted all your parts rerolling weapons a thousand times or dumped them all into factions for rep. That's not Bungie's fault, I still have more than 1500 weapons parts across my three characters and I'm constantly upgrading and infusing things. Learn to manage your resources, or don't bitch when you run out because you've decided to blow them all.

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      • Anybody else like "what about all the the other mats"? I mean, wormspore is the only thing getting this treatment, and spinmetal and the others get nothing. I feel like that is simply mmo 101. People like being able to exchange mats and currency.

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      • It's true tho wtf are you morons using all your weapon parts on? Stop leveling your factions with them

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        5 Replies
        • Amazing! This OP somehow manages to encompass everything that is wrong with America. Truly an accomplishment to be celebrated.

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        • [quote]Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. [/quote] Nothing comes close to the level of disrespect the people on these forums show Bungie employees. It was a little sarcastic comment, Deej didn't exactly shit on your cornflakes. Get over it. I'd have said a lot more to the whiny toolsheds that visit this place, if I were in his position.

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          • Edited by LUNATIK: 11/6/2015 3:01:44 PM
            F&*# bungie and Activision. When fallout 4 comes out this Tuesday I'm done with destiny forever. I'm not buying a bungievision product ever again. Bungie continues to shoot themselves in the foot. Cod is a washed out recycle shooter every year and the new Tony hawk skater flopped hard. Yeah I will be deleting this game off my PS4. The division will dethrone this game and highly doubt that the next expansions and sequels will sell that high. We all continously get screwed over with more grinding, nerfs, no nightfall xp bonus, bounties give like 65 instead of 100 for rep partially goes to vanguard, raid rng to drop that armor piece we want and hoping rng makes it 320, and lots of more that I'm too lazy to list. Point is Bungie you messed up and we're sick putting up with your bulls#*&.

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          • What is wrong with people? Why so many "oh he needs thicker skin" or "stop being a whiny bitch." No one ever complained about weapon parts until after Bungie decided we aquire too many, they nerf the amounts, the community start complaining about the lack of parts, Bungie come to the rescue and fix a problem they created. And the issue with wormspore is stupid, why create yet another material with very limited usage? Why not sort this out before it was implemented? Allow us to trade it mats for glimmer/xp? There are so many other issues with TTK that parts of the community defend it as if it were against the law to give constructive feedback.

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            2 Replies
            • Agreed

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            • Yup. It's time someone starts ki**ing them one by one.

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              • Deej has always had a more sarcastic tone of voice. His skills range from being able to sugar coat and put cherries on top of everything to adding snarky comments, it's his writing style and personality. Personally I think OP is frustrated and posting about things that can be interpreted differently depending on if you're in a good mood or a bad mood. Either way calling Deej out isn't going to make the slightest difference as Cosmo is the only one who actually comments back on things these days. Seriously, check out the guys activity! He responds to things far more than Deej ever did.

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                • To be fair the weekly update did seem more of a "we're in charge here now stop moaning" post than anything. Usually they're lighthearted and attempt to be funny. This week you could kinda tell deej had a shit day in the office

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                • Does everyone just call each other cry babies on these forums lol

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                • Coming from somebody that made his first post days ago, this community is toxic. If you don't agree with them you are a scrub or you need to get "gud." You are wasting your breathe my friend. Irregardless of the fact that your post may have some truth behind it.

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                  • Edited by Nastleen: 11/6/2015 2:56:15 PM
                    For real, the update sucked. After I read it... left me utterly dissatisfied. He did also have an attitude, which is unnecessary. They're tired of everyone whining about the game. Should've had it planned before the release perhaps.

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                  • When someone is paying you for your service you don't give them sarcastic replies. If you paid someone to mow your lawn and they missed a spot, you'd tell them to fix it. If you're the guy mowing the lawn, you're not going to be snarky and tell them to deal with it or say "I'll get around to it". It really is basic principles of business. Now, I took no offense when reading it myself; but I do see the unprofessionalism in the statement.

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                    7 Replies
                    • To OP, don't get too worked up by the hateful, nonsensical comments you get around this parts, I read the forums on a regular basis, and civility is one thing most people around here are lacking, they will hate and spout any kind of nonsense, I suppose that is what you get when people have no clue on how correctly exercise the right to voice their opinion. Me for one agree with you entirely, I love this game, the hours I have put in this game are more than I have put in all the games I have played the last past year combined, but the truth is, most of the problems with the game are and the subsequent frustration from most players, is that most issues stem from decisions take by the developer, and yes, they it is their game and they are entitled to make changes and introduce new mechanics or to take away those that were already in place, I am just dumbfounded by how most those changes "enrage" the community en masse. Sometimes I actually wonder whether they don't foresee the backlash they may cause by introducing some of this "improvements" like taking away the XP buff from the Nightfalls, nerfing weapon parts (just so they have to come with a "fix" after people complain for weeks on end about weapon parts drought, or one of my favorites, not giving any issue to Etheric light for months, the only reason why I would actually run the Iron Banner whenever it came out, never did it for the gear or the weapons, only for the Etheric light, so I guess in hindsight for me, it is not a bad thing that the drops during the last IB were as bad as it seems they were. Anyway, thank you for your comments, it is good to see there is still people around this parts that at least try to give some constructive feedback.

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