He nods.
"You and I both know there's only eleven vaults. Harris, where are you?"
"Vault twelve python, these infidels may not know it is here but master sharpshooter hid some thing from them obviously" Kovington goes paper white "Storage room 121"
"Let's go, Casper." Python checks his pistol and head towards storage room 121.
"Im not coming" Kovington shudders Ahead of him python sees a hallway that is pitch black
He shakes his head and pulls up a flashlight and shines it around as he walks through the darkness.
Up ahead he sees a door 121 The shadow seems to ahift around him giving him little light
He moves in, putting the flashlight away and aiming around, stepping towards the light.
The door opens and harris looks at him "Yo"
"Hey Harris." Python holsters his pistol. "What are doing, man?"
"They tried to shut me down python, do you know how that feels"
"Yeah, in fact I do. Why'd they try to shut you down?" He looks around.
There are hundreds of datachips covering the ground "I know about genesis, everything python its all up here." He pointa to his head
"Everything? Yeah, don't let that get into the wrong hands. Alright?" He chuckles a bit.
"Thank you python, also can i ask you a favour?" He smiles mischievously
"Yeah....what do you need?"
"Can you out in a good word or two about me to that lady ai?"
He chcukles. "Yeah, man. I'll get it done."
"Thanks man" Kovington steps in with a chip like the others "You subdued him now we can trap him
"No trapping." He turns to Kovington. "Harris is a close friend of mine and he won't do anything to harm the team."
"Fine but if anything happens its on your ass"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."