People just hate hunters because they're not skilled enough to play it.
I see more unskilled warlocks around to be honest.
Warlock is easy if you don't suck.
Yeah right. Easiest class to use. If they're so skillful, that's why they run rampant in PvP right? Because they're all skillful? Please.
That's why every twitch steamer ran into full squads of sunbreakers right? Broken class is broken.
Your post describes the average Hunters attitude. Shadestep is op. Invis is good. Gunslingers good.
Hunters are literally the easiest class to use, they have 2, arguably 3 amazing pvp supers, as well as nightstalker and bladedancer to a lesser degree for pve.
Why would anyone use bladedancer in PvE? If I'm not playing orb machine nightstalker I'm playing celestial nighthawk gunslinger. Honestly in TTK there's no reason to ever use the bladedancer subclass even if arc burn is on.