"I've never met one before, they can't be as bad as a kell though."
*he chuckles* kell? They go down easy if you know where to aim. Anyway they may not Sean that bad but the unsc wants to drag me back after I "went rogue".
"Oh? I'm sure they have their hands full than. You seem like it would take a nuke to kill you, maybe even than you won't die."
Edited by Troop-8: 11/6/2015 1:30:23 PMNo....I would die....Id just be back in an hour....then die from radiation poisoning....then come back in another hour....I'm a cursed undead.*his helmet folds back and you see a handsome face with many scars, sad and sleep deprived eyes, and part of his jaw is just black bone*
"Jeez, and I thought I was tough to kill. Hopefully you will stay on our side. I don't want to fight you now."
Edited by Troop-8: 11/6/2015 1:36:31 PMYou ever been torutred in hell? If you survive that then your tough to kill.*he shakes his head* I don't like to think about that stuff...anyway....you got any stories?
"Yeah, ever accidentally rode on the outside of a ship in space?"
Crashed one.....*with his hands he dose the gesture for dropping a grenade*
"Ooooo, that must have been fun."
Hurt my back, that's bought it.*chuckles* you?
"Let's see, I was trying to stop a thief from stealing my skiff, that ended with them being thrown out into space."
That's always fun....I threw a guy through a window then shot him in the gut so he was in pain then just him there.
"Wow, we should get drinks sometime."
Sounds good.*he nods**and thinks "I wish I could get drunk"*
"Maybe you could handle the one liqour I have too."
Okay.*thinks**"yeah cause I don't have the capability to get drunk"*
"It is made from souls, don't ask where I got it from because I don't know how I got it."
Edited by Troop-8: 11/6/2015 2:07:33 PM*nods* okay...I free when ever.
"Let's do it after the mission and when I'm sober."
Edited by Troop-8: 11/6/2015 2:23:45 PM*nods* sounds alright....what's your name?
"Vaaxius, I was with the axion crew before it disbanded."
I wasn't with them to long but I was there....I'm Logan by the way.
"Same, it was sad to see it fall apart."
Yeah...a friend of mine suicided cause of that and something else.
"Oh god, that's not good. Who was it?"
His name was rex....he was depressed after it getting disbanded then one of my other friends died and his girlfriend placed the blame on him and well.....I didn't set to much of a better example.