Look, I don't care how you cut this... but this is a DIRECT pointing of the finger to what is to come. The "retool" of HoS is on the way... may not be very soon... but it's definitely coming. This quote from today's update, is staring down titans and the hammer with both eyes fixated on an issue that has been talked about over and over.
[quote]We’re looking at all the numbers. The guns you used. The ways you fought. [b][i]The hammers you threw, or caught with your face[/i].[/b] In the weeks to come, we’ll share a lot of details for how we’ll be refining various weapons and classes in an upcoming December update. It will address some things you’ve told us, as well as some of what we’ve noticed during our constant study of the battles that rage among you.[/quote]
If that doesn't tell you, they know there is an issue with how OP titans HoS is.... and they are going to do something to them... then you need to take your bias glasses off and read between the lines.
That is all guardians. I'm glad, because it's been a joke recently... literally.
P.S. I'll sit back with my popcorn and watch the drama!
Quit acting like a bratty child because things don't go your way, and when they do you plaster it on a billboard to get reactions from the community around you. I am sick of little punks like you making this game as annoying as crap and I understand that the hammer needs an armour nerf. But I don't need to rub it in the communities face to get reactions like some 5 year old kid.