New account/character to TTK (have another account where I ran Vanilla + all DLC Season Pass) - PS4 - do not use anymore. Running Hunter. Completed all story missions / quests.
Currently broken unobtainable:
[b]Economy[/b]: Vanguard Marks / Crucible Marks
[b]All Tower Allies[/b]: Speaker, Titan Vanguard, Hunter Vanguard, Crucible handler, etc. The only one I have is Crota's Bane
[b]Fallen Arsenal:[/b] Shock Blade, Shock Grenade (maybe I haven't encountered these yet - I have other Arsenals completed)
[b]Vex Arsenal[/b]: Line Rifle, Torch Hammer, Slap Grenade)
[b]Cabal Arsenal[/b]: Projection Rifle, Heavy Slug Thrower, Cabal Shield
[b]The Dark Below: [/b]Rise of Crota? (not sure here since I haven't yet ran the raid), Disciples of Crota, Urn of Sacrifice
[b]House of Wolves:[/b] Gone to ground, the ruling house
As far as the vex and cabal arsenals go, check if you've obtained kills rank 1 or 2 for the enemy that carries those weapons. If you haven't, that's likely why you haven't unlocked those cards.
indeed - I just checked and now have the cabal shield - so that must be it. Thanks!