Looking for some help to get this wizard down, struggling on my Hunter..
GT: [b]Swiftshot7[/b]
I'm a 314 warlock. Need 1 or 2 to do this. I've done it on my other character
Anyone on to do this message BUCCHINO I'm at the boss
Need 2 Message GT: Seeing3d for invite
Need help with fears embrace at echo msg for invite
need ppl for fears embrace for touch of malice
Xbox 360 287 light Need 1
I am 304 light Anyones able to help me out on this i will help you on one of your quest! Msg purephx
[quote]Looking for some help to get this wizard down, struggling on my Hunter.. GT: [b]Swiftshot7[/b] 304[/quote] If you have 2, hide in the small room, one focus on ads, one focus on wizard, the zhalo supercell worked nice for me.
Need 1 or 2, at the boss Gt the same
291 warlock looking for group for fears embrace
Need 1 or 2 Gt same as name
Looking for group fears embrace 305 titan gamertag same as above
I need to do the mission as well so send me an invite