Sigma, not prone to disputing sound advice, hides behind a large piece of the Vex architecture, a column of machinery and ontological computing power. Within seconds, the imposing form of a Taken Minotaur had taken the field, a blighted monstrosity that writhed with dark energies. Luckily he had just the tool for the job, courtesy of Rasputin.
"It seems that something more is required for such a creature," he said, as he readied his Sleeper Simulant for a beam straight into the core of the deformed Minotaur. "Luckily, I have just the thing."
He aimed. He fired. It would have killed it. Unfortunately, there was no charge left in the weapon after days of fighting and traveling. It was dead, and, he did not move, so was he.
"Well, this is unpleasant," he stated, before moving back into cover just as a powerful bolt of solar energy slammed into the ground where he had been standing. [i]Time for plan B[/i], he thought, pulling out his Lyudmila and readying an Arc charge in his other hand.
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