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11/6/2015 10:18:52 PM

Content update for Destiny: The Cowboy Update

So, Destiny is a Space Western. We have all seen it, we all know it. I would like to see Destiny issue an update that fully embraces its genre: The Cowboy Update (Name to be changed, I'm sure) Quest Chains: SR-B1919 With No Name - A quest chain that starts when you first speak to Amanda Halliday after the update. The chain has you performing various tricks and feats on your sparrow, and ends with an exotic mount: a Robot Horse! (Flavor text : HIGH-HO CADMIUM, AWAAAAY!) (SR-B1919 is a reference to Sir Barton, the first horse to take the Triple Crown in 1919) Drink for a Stranger - Cayde-6 tells you of a titan associate that was on patrol and has not been reporting to him recently. The titan is found out in the cosmodrome, unable to move. A fallen captain stole his flask and now he wants his flask back and revenge. Hopefully voice acted by Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly). The quest chain ends with an exotic Emote of the player taking a swig from a flask. The emote comes with an upgrade: the Flask can be filled with Special / Heavy ammo synths, 3 of coins, or other consumables, and every time the player uses the emote in a combat zone it will trigger the consumable that the flask is filled with. Tumble - During a daily heroic mission on Mars, the player randomly sees an Ultra Vex named "The Weed," a Vex Hydra. If you kill it, it will drop a "Broken Rocket Launcher." taking it to the gunsmith will trigger a quest that has you going into various Vex strikes and gathering parts for the rocket launcher. After gathering the requisite number of parts, Banshee will assemble it into a "prototype rocket launcher." at this point, the quest will be to break down rare or legendary rocket launchers to get parts for your prototype. If you take it to Banshee after breaking down the requisite number of rocket launchers, then you get a legendary Tex Mechanica rocket launcher called "The Hombre." however, attentive guardians will notice that the prototype is equippable. If you equip the launcher and get through a heroic vanguard strike with at least 10 kills with the rocket launcher, and 20 kills in the crucible with it, then you get another option for finishing the quest, which turns the prototype into an Exotic called "Tumbleweed" whose rockets are slow moving and tumble end over end instead of flying straight. The Exotic Perk is "momentum," giving the rockets homing capabilites and increasing damage by a small amount for every flip that it does while in flight, up to 3x damage. Flavor Text: "I kind of like it better this way." Black Hat - A crucible quest chain that requires you to get: 100 headshot kills on guardians with a hand cannon 100 kills with shotguns 100 melee kills After completing the quest, you are rewarded with a class-specific high-light helmet that looks like a cowboy hat. New PvP gametypes: High Noon - a 1v1 match type with no super and no radar. The guardians are spawned in a smaller arena, think the main room of the cauldron with all the doors closed. The players are free to have their weapons out during the first 5 seconds of the map, but they cannot move. After 5 seconds, the players hear a chime and are free to move around the map as they please. If either player discharges their gun before the chime, they are disqualified. Much like Trials of Osiris, this would be a weekly game type that would track wins and losses, granting High Noon specific gear at the end of each match. If the player goes 9-0, they are invited to a new social space that is situated in the Tower above the Speakers room. It's called "The Lone Traveler" and is a bar. It has multiple stories, and going up the stairs allows you to spectate the following PvP type. Bar Fight - A 12 player free for all that takes place in the Lone Traveler. The match takes place entirely in 3rd person, and is Melee only. the players can find and pick up various melee weapons (Chairs, bottles, tables). Every time a player dies, their character gets a debuff called "Impaired" that makes their screen sway a little, or clouds their vision, or makes their character move in odd ways. the debuff does not wear off. After 5 stacks of the debuff are applied, the character is considered "out" and does not respawn. Social space additions: Players in the Tower may trigger a Cotillion. If multiple guardians stand on a raised pavilion in the tower courtyard, they are all entered as debutantes in the Tower Cotillion. Other players in the Tower may approach them and use the "Point" emote to cast their Vote. After 5 minutes, all votes are tallied and the Guardian with the most is awarded a special Shader and banner. All wins after that award a single mote of light. This post is a work in progress. Updates to follow with more ideas.

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