OP maybe applying Passive /Aggressive to BUNGiE's responses to community over he last year.. BUNGiE does a great job at:
- Verbally complying with Community requests, while delaying making changes.
- Deej & Co comments often come across as backhanded sarcasm (hey, they've got better in the past year).
So here's one [b]pattern BUNGiE employs[/b].. they
1) Go dark & seemly withdraw from g8 ideas & pure hatemail, or
2) Communicate agreement to make changes & then use the software dev cycle* to delay a positive result. This can result in the issue being shutdown or at least placed on the back-burner.
But gee, must be difficult for BUNGiE Employees to suppress anger at some of the Community's posts.
[i]** & don't forget Dudes, Haters & Baiters.. [b]P/A works on these Forums by driving free PR & traffic[/b]**[/i]
[u][b]Game Design Changes - Add Less Salt Thanks BUNGiE[/b][/u]
At times, amazed that BUNGiE.vision completely fail at managing negative PR on a Global scale (literally)! Qu's come to mind such as: Do they have a Communications Team & or budget for PR Concubines - opsy, meant Consultants?
.. & why, why don't they give more time & dedication to playing out key scenarios before releasing onto the wild blue yonder (esp Game Design changes that affect motivation to play)?
So.. consider the final formula for FPS/MMO/RNG/whatever remains work-in-progress?
* Software Development Lifecycle - understand that enhancements, new features etc take time to implement, the Community's reality is they live a a world where changes need to be a hell of a lot faster. To a degree, as a Player, I expect the platform that is Destiny, to absorb & make changes much faster then we are currently seeing (esp now we are in year two of Commercial release). Bit of a War n Peace post, but there u go..
Kudos though to BUNGiE for overall management of Destiny's complex game design!