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11/7/2015 1:44:44 AM

Popular Demand - Recruiting XBOX 1 Players

Are you bored of playing solo? LFG got the best of you? Just wanted help with a Nightfall, Weekly, or something small you needed to finish? Work all day and come home late just so you can finish an event to get better gear? Well Popular Demand just might be the clan you're looking for. Popular Demand is now recruiting mature casual/hardcore players who want to maximize their Destiny experience. We have experienced admins who are willing to help players with any PVE/PVP event. We are currently recruiting to form a main raid group (as well as several other raid groups) which dedicated guardians will raid on weekends to complete end-game content. Popular Demand is a clan that values maturity and will not tolerate rude players in the game world. Much like reality respect is earned, and we expect the same out of our teammates. Our main priority is to have fun while advancing in either raid progression, Trials of Osiris, Crucible, bounties, or whatever meets our clan member's needs. :) Our core raid group and our most loyal clan members will advance into admins unless deemed otherwise. Plan on joining a clan that is motivated to always move forward while destiny expands. If you think you are a player who enjoys what we have to offer message me GT: oDD FuTUREeeee or comment a brief description of you and your guardian below!

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