Last week i was farming exotic engrams in the heroic strice playlist. When i finally got some engrams i went to the tower to get my 2 primary weapons and 2 glove engrams. Anyway, i went to the cryptarch and since i had a lot of engrams i spam opened them all. This caused my 2 exotic weapon engrams to become the same weapon (The Jade Rabbit) and it also made me get the same gloves (Sealed Ahamkara Grasps). To me this feels like a bug since the chanse of getting the exact same weapon in 2 exotic engrams right after each other seems small, and then getting the same gloves in 2 engrams seems small aswell.
I would be super happy if you could fix this bug and maybe give me 1 exotic primary weapon engram and 1 exotic glove engram since i have waisted them in this bug.
Sadly not a bug, or not a bug Bungie is claiming to be a bug and trying to fix it. I got 4 Hereafter back to back from Special Weapon engrams. You would think out of 5 possible special weapons the chance is small...but that's Bungie for you. No clue how to write code that lessens the chance for real and only ciaim they changed something, when in fact it's worse than it was before.