Since everyone is on an even playing field with the same system, it does indeed require skill.
If the game was XCOM, where you told the game who you want to shoot and it calculates whether you hit them or not, then there would be no shooting skill involved. (There would still be strategic and tactical skill.) But there IS dexterity and hand-eye coordination involved in playing Destiny. That's why some people are better at it than others.
You're fooling yourself to think this video "proves" anything to the contrary.
Strategic and tactical skill??? Lmao More like map memorization and radar whoring....
There's no map memorization and radar whoring in Destiny? ROFLMFAO.
I have already argued against this in this post.
I know, but I felt it was my duty to give you another chance at realizing the truth. Because the Truth will set you free.
The video only proves that the person who made it is very capable of showing off an extremely high aim assist weapon. If he had shown several weapons with different levels of aim assist then maybe the point would have been better made. However, he only showed one (and a year one weapon at that) to complain about it--even though he is the one making the biggest use of it.