Idiots like you are the reason perks like aim assist get nerfed...if you don't like it, then don't one is forcing you to play destiny...
Aim assist is pretty stupid. But they want more people to play the game, so it becomes a casual game.
You know that almost every console shooter has aim assist right?
But it's an actual stat in the game, and every weapon has it's own AA stat.
Idiots like you need AA.
What does Alcoholics Anonymous have to do with my post what so ever? You make no sense and that was a horrible attempt at an insult. To use something that affect millions of people worldwide to try and insult a person, you're a real stand up guy
WOW!! You just went full retard. Your mother must be proud.
Idiots like you are the ones that resort to petty name calling when facts are presented in front of them. You can get off my post now since you clearly arent capabale of actually thinking rationally.
Almost every FPS in existence has aim assist...quite whining and stick to your barbies
*Quit What a moron you are. Thats not the point of the video. The point is destiny has ridiculously high aim assist.