[b]Doc walks up to her with a small hovering Droid following[/b]
"Nova.... I know things may seem bleak now but.... there are ways to cure rampancy for AI's"
[i]"You don't understand There is another person in my head, that keeps bugging me, and refuses to help"[/i]
"Its Jupiter correct?"
[i]"Yes, it is"[/i]
"Well I'm afraid that I don't know much about AI's made from human minds"
[i]"Usually a bad idea"[/i]
"Anything I can do to help?"
[i]"No, there isn't"[/i]
"I'm a doctor it's my job to help people and as far as I'm concerned you are a person"
[i]"But there is nothing you can do, that's the problem"[/i]
"There has to be something"
[i]"There isn't, I've tried"[/i]
"Do you want me to stay here and just talk to you?"
[i]"No, I wish to be alone"[/i]
"Alright...if you need me just let me know"