originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Serra glanced over, interested by the armor.
"Seriously.. How long was I out?" She whispered to herself.
[spoiler]Is the old Destiny RP canon with this one? Because our chars have had a very... eh relatinship.[/spoiler] She went into the Vanguard Room.
Edited by Phlerox: 11/7/2015 6:19:27 AM[spoiler]Dunno. But that word... "Relatinship".... I must use it...[/spoiler] Serra shrugged, looking away.
[spoiler]I did it on purpose. Liek all of my other speling.[/spoiler] She came out a few minutes later and stopped at the Vaults.
[spoiler]omg how do[/spoiler] (Continue.)
Edited by Riven: 11/7/2015 6:36:09 AMHer ghost was summoned, wearing the Kingslayer shell, and it dissolved into the Vaults.
"This time, lets try duplicating some stuff. Haven't tried it this way yet."
Serra raised a brow under her helmet. [i]"Duplicating?"[/i] She thought to herself.
"Maybe a couple of Parts. Could use some for my Malice."
She watched.
"Did it work? Yes? Awesome."
She scoffed. "People these days."
"No, of course I don't want you to do it again. I just needed a few more, is all."
'Hey, Serra, Cayde wants-' "Shh, shut up. I wanna hear this."
"I've already paid off a fee, I don't need all of my bloody glimmer gone."
'What're-' "Shaddup, Jack!"
"Oh shut up you. No comments. Anything else I need from here?"
They watched.
"Yes I know they're watching me, it's quite obvious."
'I knew it. Your stalking some-' "For god's sake, will you shut up for once?"
She walked over. "Anything you want in particular?"
'She wants [i]something[/i], I can tell you that.' "No. Your... Conversation... Over there seemed pretty interesting."
"Thank you."
"Anytime, anytime."
[spoiler]So... are we going to have our characters know each other once introduced or wat....?[/spoiler] "And you two are?"