Your argument reminds me of this games first DLC
Your unbelievable ego and hypocrisy remind me of Activision as a whole. I'm surprised you didn't charge everyone $5 just to view your comment. Don't let your gigantic head hit the doorway on your way out [spoiler]next time when you say you want a challenge your stats should back that up[/spoiler]
Says the guy with the .84 combined KD. Jesus, my head may hit the door but in your case we'll just remove it.
Did I come in complaining about PvP? Did I come in saying how I want a real challenge? [spoiler]Hint: the answer to both questions is No[/spoiler] See I prefer to not bath in hypocrisy. Where as you, you seem to cover yourself in it.
You're waaaaay to involved in politics.
In that situation you would want to use "too" to indicate an excess of involvement in politics. Just a small thing, but, like your insistence on needing a challenge, it fails to cohere to your argument and what you've shown yourself to be.
Are you really still here?
Yep To protect The Crucible from devastation To unite all players within the tower nation To denounce the evils of hypocrisy and ego To extend my reach to the dark below A Befuddled Lion Team Up All Night Admit you're a hypocritical scrub or prepare to fight Nolanbot THAT'S RIGHT
Just admit it...
You have no power here