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11/7/2015 8:48:09 AM
No. The real problem is the gamer of "today". Most are entitled pricks who think every little thing that's not right in their eyes is something to bitch about and hold against their game's developer and publisher until they do shape it in their favor (which therefore upsets someone else). Listen. You may have bought the game, and that gives you the right to use it how you want to, but you're only entitled to what you paid for: which was the base game and any expansions you've bought. You're not paying for any free updates or patches which deprives the developer of their money to go to another expansion or free update potentially. As far as I'm concerned, Bungie has every right to fix or leave alone whatever they want, so long as it's not game-breaking and/or makes the game unplayable, which would make you in the right about complaining. You know why DeeJ said all that? Because it's true. Most gamers of the modern-day era are self-entitled and make everything about them. Bungie holds every right to not do a thing to ever improve the game, but they do it anyway. Be thankful we have a developer who actually cares. There are plenty of games out there that never receive any attention post-launch. Rant over.

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  • i think your rant is utterly wrong. i think the actual problem is gaming is the only industry where you actually have folk defending the devs out of some misguided loyalty to them instead of simply allowing folk to air their views. every other industry the sellers know the customer is always right , if they aint happy you NEVER try to make out like they have the problem , you try to help them, (if you want to stay in business) you also don't try to impose your beliefs on them or make decisions based on your ideas of how they should enjoy your product , you simply allow them to enjoy your product as much as possible and make decisions based on what the consumer wants. could you imagine coca cola saying " we removed cherry coke because we see too many folk were drinking it" or "we see too many folk are finding it easy to get cherry coke so we removed it from 50% of our shops , its now RNG whether your local shop is selling it" but in gaming fanboys grow an attachment to the game they play and and defend it blindly to the point they attack other consumers who don't love it the way they do.

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  • Edited by Gwektro: 9/10/2017 10:18:40 PM
    ~ edited ~

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  • Another hipster sucking the dogs ballz still,

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  • The word [b]entitled[/b] and its prolific use as some kind of [b]arguement in itself[/b], has become a brand, you do realize? Ignorant, close minded, emotionally unintelligent and very likely angry losers under the misimpression that [u]their lot in life is somehow foisted upon them by people with both a brain and a sense of something larger than themselves[/u] have become the near exclusive users of this - [b][u]deflection.[/u][/b] Deej's comms skills are (obviously) [u]untrained, reactive, emotionally challenged and professionally incompetent[/u]. I would fire him instantly and yes, I review exactly these types of scenarios professionally and am intetnationally recognized for crisis and business management and effective communication strategies, which I'll forgo for this, largely obtuse and qualification hostile audience. In fact, Deej's arrogant use of [u]costic deflection[/u] demonstrates more about the Bungie centric attitude and hubris of that company than any shareholders, stakeholders, clients or partner [b]should allow[/b] and would be appropriately branded by any professional as amateur and childish. So, far from entitled or anti Destiny, the OP is pointing out a timely concern that [u]risks this games future[/u] as much as the trailor trash that have become its self appointed Guardian Minutemen and possibly -client brand. As counsel therefore, to you and your Tea Party brethren, you might consider excersing some judgment before weilding it and; dare we dream, considering feedback as a [b]conversation with equals[/b] instead of an opportunity to claim your - ellusive - superiority?

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  • I've never read something that made so much sense. Can we be best friends?

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  • This is it^^^

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  • Thanks! That attitude and ironically, entitlement, pushes all of my buttons and makes me weep over the plight and potential of America.

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  • Said this three times within the past week. HORRAY FOR ME! Oh, by the way, you can never complain about anything ever again you retarded man child, because if you see something wrong in something, you just don't get it, you don't have the right to complain about it, you already bought the product, it's up to the company to decide if they want to keep it working, or service it, or provide a refund. And you can never complain about a game ever again. Or say that it has negative issues. You can only mention the good things. Alien Colonial Marines? Nope, can't mention the game barely worked, was boring as hell and the glitches were funnier than the game itself and that many people were tricked into thinking that the 60$ asking price meant they were getting a good, working, AAA title. Fallout 4? Yeah, it will no doubt be good, but if you encounter any parts that seem tedious, or game crashing bugs that are notorious of Bethesda, you can't complain about them because you're getting free updates and patches. HOW DARE THE PUBLIC! HOW DARE THEY DEMAND HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS! THEYRE JUST ENTITLED SHITS! NOBODY CAN COMPLAIN THAT COD AND DESTINY ARE PRETTY MUCH SKINNER BOXES NOW AND THE VENIER AND WOOD IS ROTTING FROM THE INSIDE! NO ONE CAN COMPLAIN THAT THEIR FOOD MADE EM SICK! THAT WAS A PART OF THE EXPERIENCE. My day is so much better when I get to make fun of you idiots. Please respond, it makes my day.

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  • All of this is quite funny... :) After reading numerous comments, I just want to keep my oppinion to myself and enjoy the show :)

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  • Calm down the sun will come up tomorrow

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  • Edited by Aura of Heroism: 11/7/2015 12:43:34 PM
    OK I laughed my ass off at this

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  • Your ass-hat??? hmmm mm?

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  • ??

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  • That's like saying Coca-Cola has the right to change their ingredients and when the customer complains they can insult them but the customer is at fault.

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  • You need to reread my post. I never said the customer/consumer was at fault. I said that people don't have a right to tell a company how to manage their product unless the product is defective/unusable.

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  • This game is defective. Defective by means of lag, booting people out of events, a defective reward system, a defective story, a defective consumer support system or better yet a zero customer support system and the list goes on on these pages.

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  • I don't get your comment. A game is meant for the gamer. This isn't a work of art you sit back and admire. You the player interact with it, and when that interaction sucks ass you should be pissed.

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  • Fanboi detected. Get deej's nuts outta yo mouth

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  • This

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  • [quote]No. The real problem is the gamer of "today". Most are entitled pricks who think every little thing that's not right in their eyes is something to bitch about and hold against their game's developer and publisher until they do shape it in their favor (which therefore upsets someone else). Listen. You may have bought the game, and that gives you the right to use it how you want to, but you're only entitled to what you paid for: which was the base game and any expansions you've bought. You're not paying for any free updates or patches which deprives the developer of their money to go to another expansion or free update potentially. As far as I'm concerned, Bungie has every right to fix or leave alone whatever they want, so long as it's not game-breaking and/or makes the game unplayable, which would make you in the right about complaining. You know why DeeJ said all that? Because it's true. Most gamers of the modern-day era are self-entitled and make everything about them. Bungie holds every right to not do a thing to ever improve the game, but they do it anyway. Be thankful we have a developer who actually cares. There are plenty of games out there that never receive any attention post-launch. Rant over.[/quote] Your a store security guard.....right.

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  • .......And this some more.....

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  • and this...

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