1. "Taking skill" in destiny just means that you can move your fingers really fast
2. It's all in the the gun
3. Anyone who brags about being good in destiny could get their ass kicked any day in real life
4. Try shooting a real human being. It's not as easy at it sounds
5. Everyone acts like they're practicing for when they actually need it in battle. Well try using a real AK, it'll shake your arm off and you'll miss every single bullet
6. Once again, moving your fingers really fast take no skill
7. It's all just in your connection - bad connection = auto win
8. Moving your fingers really fast takes no skill
9. Moving your fingers really fast takes absolutely no skill
Some people have literally no intelligence
I don't play the crucible cause I don't have the right guns - hence #2
The only time I do crucible I try to make fun with it(such as only using a dregs promise)
I can only get on during the week ends so I share my account with my friend who plays during the weekdays.
Edit: I am done replying to this so please ask your questions and send your hate now so I can get them before I leave
Edit: DAMNIT, you guys got me to reply... I'll only reply to comments that are people who are actually reasonable and aren't talking shit right away. Wait till I talk shit to talk shit back, I don't want to talk shit with any shit cause talking shit is bad shit. So please stop talking shit please :)
-'ve played almost exactly the same amount of hours as I have...
Why does that matter? I share the account with my friend cause I can't get on during the weekdays
You're really scrambling now...oh I'm sorry...I mean ur really scrambling just have an excuse for everything don't you
Adults rarely use "ur" as're 12yrs old...get back to your Saturday cartoons kid
You uncultured swine. I'm offended that you don't know where that's from
Edited by ErisMornComeBack: 11/7/2015 2:22:49 PMI know where it's from, ur is short for your or you're...because children feel the need to shorten everything.
And I meant the phrase "lol ur just mad cause it's true"
No, it's from a trending joke
Adults with responsibilities rarely care about what's trending...try again kid
So because you can beat up, say, an Olympic archer, it doesn't take skill? How is that an argument? Are we merely talking about the definition of skill? If so, å lease define it as you see it before there's any point to the discussion.
Edited by mac: 11/7/2015 1:23:27 PM[quote]Lol, ever heard of trials coin farming. [/quote] Why did you and your team still try and got kills, win and loose some games? Why do you even care for coins if you're not trying? [quote] Besides, who cares. I just can't move my fingers that fast. I could beat you up in a real fight any day. 99% sure my 4.6 GPA is higher than what yours is/was so it looks like I have intelligence down too... [/quote] Yeah very intelligent response since you dont know me and dont know what i am capable of. [quote] Oh, but you can move your fingers faster than me so I guess you win! Seriously, it's pathetic to see people like you brag and bitch about this[/quote] Please refer to that part where i braged. Your comments are very amusing to read, do you have any real arguments? In your original post you said aiming quicker in a video game doesnt take skill. Yet you are saying real guns take skill. I have a Beretta PX4 and a H&K USP 40 competition variant and i shoot pretty frequently. How does aiming fast in reality take skill but in video games it doesnt? Why are there professionals in both real shooting and virtual shooting games then?
Fûckin rekt m8
R.I.P necro
[quote]R.I.P necro[/quote] Lol
[quote][quote]R.I.P necro[/quote] Lol[/quote]
Edited by Camaztle: 11/7/2015 1:09:17 PMHa one of [i]those[/i] guys. I like to think of video games a subrealm. You don't exist past my screen, I don't exist past yours. Why get so worked up over a video game? Don't you have a "4.6" gpa and a 1000 lb deadlift to attend to? Really? The untrained gun firing argument? When was the last time you fought a giant zombie shrek on the Moon? By your own're not allowed to play cooking games as you cannot cook a roast beef marinated with Fiji cocoa.