Why is a 12 year old streaming?
And on that matter, cyber bullying doesn't exist. You can close the computer, turn off the console, block users, mute people, stop the stream...there are so many countermeasures, if you get cyber bullied that's on you, because you didn't want to be the bigger man and block the person.
Edited by Kleeb: 1/16/2016 10:49:35 PM1.) He isn't 12. 2.)Why should he turn off his console because some people are ruining his fun? 3.)There were 70 people watching so how is he supposed to go through each and every person during a raid?
What's funny is that this comment was from November. And I couldn't even care enough to read your comment.
Apparently you cared enough to reply. And why does it matter how long ago the comment was? Do comments have expiration dates? Has your opinion changed since November?