Everyone on my friend lists is playing black ops 3.
It was destiny now it's bo3
Black ops 3>destiny
EDIT 1: a lot of people are either mad at me or agree
Go look on user reviews. Bo3 got a 4.6 user review and vanilla destiny got about a 5.5, that's saying something.
Destiny is [b]f[/b]ucking crap now. It got boring.
Same for me bro. Everyone is on BO3 or halo
I have been on crucible all day and never failed to be matchmade once in under 60 seconds.
i just find it sad that everyone is just talking shit about every damn game. Its a game, play what you want but dont go around saying oh this is better than this or they got a rating of ?/10. Idc what rating they got, if i enjoy it ill play it. If you other people dont enjoy it well just stop playing amd thats all.
Just something to play while i wait for fallout, and battlefront
I just logged onto Destiny, doest look like Black Ops 3 destroyed it....
Everyone on my friends list was playing BO3 on Friday. They were all back on Destiny last night lmao
The fact that a combination of call of duty, Star Wars, and Fallout came out at the same time is just gonna cause Destiny's player population to take a hit. A lot of people are moving on, at least for a time, because that's just how gaming works
Pretty much.
Didn't know your friends list was the whole destiny community...
Gr8 b8 m8 i appreci8, i r8 1/8.
Cod is nothing like destiny
On a side note Does bo3 have the jumper setup? Or r button controls different from destiny Havent played cod in forever
Both good games but both completely different. Destiny is fun while raiding with friends. Blackops is fun to wreck people in public lobbies with friends.
Yea it killed destiny on my friends list too.
In a few days, Fallout will release and this post will be invalid.
Destiny is getting lame
97 ppl on list only 12 in BO3 and I'm one of them 22 in destiny.
Buddy. It's day 4 of a new game that came out... Hardly destroyed. Let's see how many of them is playing something else than COD in a months time.
Why do people think that CoD will kill anything except itself?
That's funny, no one on my friends list is playing bo3, but I don't have ign employees on my friends list like you. That must be why.
Destiny isn't dead at all, some of us just enjoy taking a break of destiny and playing something new. I played BO3 for the majority if the weekend, then once I got bored I switched to destiny and played trials. I like BO3 and will defiantly be putting in a lot of time into that game but that doesn't mean I don't be playing destiny anymore. Both are still fun games!
Lol cod is garbage.
Anyone wanna pub stomp on the Xbox one? Gt is pooch0927