Vilnaks fires upon the mysterious Dread with his Shrapnel Launcher*
[b]They manage to hit a couple, gaining the attention of other soldiers, who return fire[/b]
He fires at the heads of the dread soldiers*
[b]He hits several, but others continue firing A stray shots hits a panel above him, causing it to fall[/b]
"Why are these things attacking us?" ge asks as he dodgrs the falling panel*
[b]This exposes him, allowing the Dread to get clear shots, which they take[/b]
He downs several before getting hit in his lower right arm*
[b]They shift to melee, and unsheathe swords, and charge at him[/b]
He manages to kill three before having to move back*
[b]The two that remain proceed to stab him[/b]
They stab him and pierce his armor, but they go no further. He then draws his electrified cutlass and duels the creatures*
[b]One slashes at his head, while the other circles arond and stabs at his back[/b]
He barely dodges the swing at his head, and the creature attacking his back gets his sword deflected by the curvature of his armor, then he decapitates the person going for his head*
[b]The remaining Dread proceeds to stab him in the chest[/b]
He flinches, pulls it out, then kills the attacking dread with it*
[b]It crumbles to the ground with a low growl He turns to see the others finishing off their fights, and proceeding to surround Phantom[/b] [spoiler]Will make new post when others finish[/spoiler]