Because cod is a game of 0 skill and to make every one fell like a bad ass no weapon balance needed no nerfs just buff them to the point that 2 shots in the pinky toe kills u head shots not even needed
You mean you don't have to unload an entire clip into some one and strategy actually matters? *gasp* if only Crucible could get on Black Ops level it might get competitive.
Edited by AllergicAlloy3: 11/8/2015 6:25:56 AM[quote]Because destiny is a game of 0 skill and to make every one fell like a bad ass terrible weapon balance is everywhere nerfs every week and don't buff them to the point that 2 shots in the pinky toe kills u head shots not even needed[/quote] Fixed it for ya.
Ooh someone's salty...
Just don't like a game they resin and tell u it's a new game