But I don't get your point. Real Destiny players will still keep playing Destiny. So what if you decide to play fallout instead. It doesn't matter to anyone. I'll play fallout but after I get my raids and nightfalls done during the week then ill spend some time with fallout, then back to destiny next reset. Why do we need to hear about your drama?
"A real destiny player".what does that even mean.
Im just celebrating that we have viable other games to play at last.
Yeah well still waiting to see a true well made next gen game with real replay value. Destiny is old gen but excellent replay. Fallout has potential but most of the time these days there is more hype than reality.
Eh it's a certain kind of replay. The kind where you collect. RNG provided. Which is why silver is so very successful. I however have more actual fun with other games that don't starve just to make the next meal taste better. (I've had my fair share of destiny) actually kind of regret it and I usually don't regret much. Meh bit of a tangent.
I agree totally, the last year has been grim game wise. Things are changing now though.
Yep :)
[quote]more hype than reality[/quote] Like Destiny, right?
Hey that's all your faulty for believing hype. I like what has become of Destiny over time and it's a good thing. I've put in over 1300 hrs of excellent game time and made lots of friends in the process and kings fall raid is fun as hell and no where near getting old raiding and helping people through raids. If Destiny was really a stupid game, it wouldn't last more than a month. It's still one of the biggest console games. So any expectations you are butt hurt about are your own fault listening to hype.
[quote]butthurt[/quote] Implying I'm mad. Mad over what? That I'll be ditching Destiny for something of quality reputation? I don't remember the last time Bethesda actually shafted and ripped off all their fans. Bungie on the other hand, you don't remember when they used to not do that, now you can only try and remember when they didn't do that.