originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
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Why would I link that? It seems fairly insignificant and could be any number of things. The the Vex infest Venus as a parasite so why wouldn't it be them? For starters scouting isn't a vex behavior we know, signified in Pocket Infinity Grimiore
"[i]the Vex descended on them with their typical inscrutable, thorough violence.[/i]"
Still everyone heard the theory that the Kings Barons were going to exterminate that lonely Wolf Baron in the mission "The Ruling House", but they really were just standing around a table talking about how to take the Traveler back. Of course we know that the other houses hate the wolves for not coming to their aid at Twilight Gap, and they could have killed the baron at any time. Then in "Queen's Ransom" we fight Skolas after he poofs into the arena in a cloud of vex dust, he is captured, and then we kill him in the Prison of Elders.
"But Taco your post is titled Skolas is alive! and you said we killed him" you might say and I would reply that's pretty damning evidence.
I could say something about paradoxs keeping him alive, but I have a simpler explanation: [u]There are two of Skolas[/u]. Long after he has fled Venus to go to earth there is that vex signature, and he was using vex technology to take Fallen pirates into the present, oh and most likely Orbiks Prime who might I add Variks was sure was dead. [spoiler]Kaliks Reborn shows that rebuilding a servitor is pretty hard to perfect, and most have to be built by servitors (see simiks-3)[/spoiler] If you remember the Queen's Ransom Grimoire you would recall:
[i]"He says..." Variks hisses under his breath. "He makes no sense, my Queen. He speaks of...Light-Snuffer. Dark-binder."[/i]
which was theorized to be Oryx a while back, but this is future knowledge and he had just gotten out of prison and was on the run. It is also important to note that he is much less coherent than he was in previous Grimiore cards.
What I am theorizing is that after that first mission that vex signature is future Skolas, and we captured an old version of Skolas so the queen would not look for him. It will be impossible to confirm or completely deny until more knowledge is released, but this is a theory I enjoy.
[b]TL;DR[/b]: There could have been Two of Skolas. yes I understand we killed him in PoE
Edit: The night brings with it salt, but calm and collected heads shall carry the conversation.
Edit 2: some have pointed out that it could have been a different dimensions skolas which is possible, but it couldn't have been his past self. If it was this universe's skolas it was his future self.
I'll kill him as many times as necessary. P*ssy as* b*tch weak as* "kell"