I paid for the ability to earn 18 exotic armors Bungie (which is what you advertised, it was right in a weekly update, not just in the database). Why are only 9 available to us? Plus, I know this isn't part of my argument, but 4 of them literally just give a subclass perk.
Am I missing something here? I'd appreciate a list if I'm forgetting things, but I feel like we got half of what was advertised.
Pro tip bungie: it isn't going to count as "free" content updates if WE ALREADY PAID FOR THE CONTENT.
Edit: sorry, forget the new hunter exotics that no one uses haha. Graviton forfeit is really the best thing and it just grants a subclass perk. Hunter mains have my sympathy.
Edit: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but do you people honestly want less content? Do you want Bungie to not tell us when they're going to delay content that was sold to us? Do you think transparency just isn't important in matters like this? Do you think time gated content that we already purchased is a fair way to attempt to keep us interested?
Edit: This post has taught me something. A large majority of the Destiny user base either
A) cannot read.
B) has no morals, and would be okay if they bought a car, just to find it doesn't have the advertised SEATS.
Or C) Will literally defend anything that Bungie does.
I thank the few people that can still think logically, even the ones that were disagreeing with my logically. I salute you, among a salty sea of idiocy.
Edit: Again, this post is about the lack of information regarding the missing content, not specifically about time gating itself. And again, I am well aware that the terms of service has us by the balls. This does NOT mean it isn't false advertisement. It was mentioned that a half dozen for each class would be included, many of which are directly shown in the gameplay trailer
I know what the term subject to change means. However, this is more of a case of "subject to be cut out". Bungie did not state that NINE exotic armors had been cut until an unspecified date, and they not once have commented on the topic.
Edit: have added the phrase "the ability to earn" to the first sentence since many on these forums [b]can't read past it.[/b]
Edit: They have released the twilight garrison, a single one of the nine missing pieces. I guess they're going to come out one at a time :p
Edited by Falnano: 11/9/2015 2:20:54 AMJudging by how the forums (including Reddit) are riddled with people complaining about how bored they are, my guess is they will release the rest of the exotics very soon.
There really is no sensible counterargument to your post so people who disagree are just going to call you names. Insulting someone says more about you than it does about the person you're insulting.
What is more awful is that every day we go without an exotic.. The less time we will actually get to use it in its most effective form. Soo if you think it sucks, It sucks even more.
man.... some of these people are just cool with taking on a big one, no KY yo. nine years more of this?
Cheeseburgers are time gated too.
I want the traverse steps (exotic warlock boots)
And the crying continues..
Unfortunately, actions taken are based on one thing: money. At the end of the day, we truly do not matter... It's all a matter of "how do we make as much money as possible without completely turning off our entire fan base? " which they have somewhat accomplished. I mean everyone complains but nowhere near all of those people actually leave destiny.theyve created a game play that is highly addicting with a weekly grind.they know thousands upon thousands are still going to play the game in the end even if they fall short in ample areas
Don't forget the helm of krolok hunter strike specific helmet that doesn't drop.
yeah I'm actually getting annoyed by that now..
[quote]Hunter mains have my sympathy[/quote] (opens mouth to say something mean, then decides against it as he just kicks around a giant pile of Crest Of Alpha Lupi for his Titan)
Bungie doesn't come on their own forums, they go where their fan boys/apologists and Defenders live ; reddit Bungie doesn't care, they have our monies already. Keep up the pressure though
no exotic was shown in a weekly update that we haven't gotten yet. also, I counted 30 exotics brought with TTK and only 6 that have not dropped yet. (i think i might be wrong about arachnid, but i dont know for sure, so im counting it as a no.)
Once you have evidence of them saying that come back please
They'll probably release them soon since other games that will pull people away from destiny are coming out. I won't even bother grinding for them though, a few ToC while doing my weekly strikes and that will be it, it'll be too little, too late once they actually get released, because I'm bored as hell with this game...
Edited by jmacELITE2305: 11/8/2015 6:48:04 PMNo you paid for bungies product. Show me where bungie says: 18 exotic armour prices with The Taken King. No they can time hate stuff if they want
I waited over 1 year for hawkmoon..... rng is da best
Start reading the fine print on what you think you were promised..... That's how they always get us
Edited by I Need That Head: 11/8/2015 9:09:33 PMYea, I want those F[u]U[/u]CKING WARLOCK BOOTS AND THE GARRISON. GODDAMMIT BUNGIE
It's like the titanic, at this point.
Yeah and people have been asking about this for a while now... Get the ball rolling bungie!
It's not fair really
It is getting pretty ridiculous. I get a week, maybe two weeks, but we still haven't gotten any of em
I guess you can say half the game is lost in the corners of time. [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
graviton is literally the only exotic that's been on my hunter since the expansion dropped