So i want to make a summary of "Destiny killers"
-Halo 5
-Black Ops 3
-Dark Souls 3
-Fallout 4
-Starwars Battlefront
-... (i will edit your choices)
Considering that most of "Destiny killers" arent even out yet or not even a month its obvious that many players try the new stuff but to say they will "kill" Destiny when it isnt out yet...
Thats laughable
The only game that will "kill" (only less time played per week) Destiny for me would be Fire Emblem If/Fates i love this series *-*
actually it will be all the above. I know allot of people say people will come back, but for every person that comes back some will not come back. Each of those games will take a portion of the destiny play base, now some will play both, but after awhile even those will stop playing over time as newer games comes out. The thing about MMO(not saying destiny is one) is they get boring after awhile and people get to the point that it's a habit to log in each day. The same thing will happen with destiny. I have said it before and I will keep saying it,. It's not just one game that will kill destiny it several. Also bungie is constantly shooting themselves in the foot with some of their decisions and rather questionable comments from their staff.