You didn't pay for exotics you moron, you paid to be able to play their game.
So many entitled idiots out there.
No. Part of the reason I purchased this expansion was upon the promise of 6 new exotic armors per class. We received the ability to earn 3. Complaining about that is not entitlement.
In a game that earning everything (or most things) via rng buying a game for the exotics you may or may not get is beyond stupidity and not a valid claim. They are not responsible for your stupidity. Period. When you buy a game you are paying to play the game they've created. It's as simple as that.
But Bungie said and showed they would be in the game.
And they [b][i][u]will[/u][/i][/b] be.
Not before Fallout 4. Bungie just lost.
Where did they say ''6 pieces of armor per class?''
In a weekly update
There are 6 exotic armors per class, however I think the OP is frustrated because only 3 per class are "new" the rest are just updated versions of yr 1 exotics
They said something along the lines of "6 new exotics per class along with the ones that are being update"
Meh, I don't remember seeing that anywhere
I do.
Link please?
Nobody can provide one as they never said that. Proof would be in a link if they had.
Exactly, all I saw were datamined "facts" that were never confirmed by bungie