Luke smith just confirmed that there will be more exotics to come, through time-gated quests. "We wanted to make sure players would get a new experience from time to time to make the game more entertaining." I think this is bullshit! Just give it to us now! It would be the same amount of content, but earlier so we don't have to wait! I think they're just trying to manipulate us into playing more of the game. But here's the worst part of all: another part of his tweet exclaimed "silver will resolve the wait time of these exotics. More will be announced in the upcoming December update." More bullshit! This is becoming pay to win!!! [url=][/url]
Edit: what's up with the h8? I'm just trying to provide useful information!
Edit 2: a wild SmoggyPluto appears
Gun grind or fallout 4 Gun grind or halo 5 Gun grind or black ops 3 Gun grind or forza 6 Gun grind or rise of the tomb raider Hmm.... This one is soooo hard! 😡😡😡!!! I mean i can grind my ass off for a touch of malice that is mostly useful at the end of the raid or play one of these games. I forgot i can gun grind or play need for speed. New exotic?.... Or halo 5? New quest for gun i'll never use because I've beaten the king's fall raid 10 times already or black ops 3? Decisions... Decisions.