I'm not sure about you guys but I think VoG, CE, and PoE should make a come back. It would add a lot more choices of what raid you want to do and what raid gear you want to collect. I want to piss off Oryx even more by walking into king's fall with gear I earned from killing his son! What do you guys think? Yes? No? Maybe so? If you like the idea then smash the like button like it's that BASTARD RAHOOL!!!
Edit 1: Wow that's...that's a lot of votes. I just wanted to apologize to those who see the poll as biased, I didn't really think of how biased it looked when I made the poll, I would change it if I could but I can't edit what's on the poll...voting...thingy...so umm yeah sorry. But if it helps, you can cover the biased part with your hand...or some tape I...I guess...*Awkward silence*
Edit 2: Thank you all for your opinions and ideas! One idea that I've been seeing and have taken a liking to (Haha Taken...N-No? Not working for you?...O-ok sorry) is having the difficulty increased and having the gear drop at 280 and have weapons drop with no burns (maybe random perks too). Keep it up!
Edit 3: The Yeses...It's...I-It's...IT'S OVER 9000!!!! (Well I guess over 10000...AND "YESES" IS A WORD!!! Lol) Keep it up friends :)
Edit 4: Go to 52:45 [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhTy5nSeWa8[/url] coincidence!!?? I THINK NOT!!!
After clearing both a total of 150+ times. No. Who the hell wants Bungie putting time into OLD raids when they can put that time into NEW raids. FFS. Also, learn how not to conduct a biased poll. How about you change it to this, instead, and see what the replies are: 1) Yes 2) No, I want Bungie putting all of their time into brand new content and raids
Does the PoE count as a raid?????
Edited by ZER0xFG: 11/10/2015 11:14:04 PMNew VOG Armor (Head, Arms, Torso, Legs, Class Item) Hunter (Templar themed): Mind of the Templar Time Breach Protocol Embodied Time Conflux Treads of Zero Echo Fabricated Infinity Cloak Warlock (Gorgon themed): The Infinite Gaze Gorgon Wraps Labyrinth of Fortitude The Everlasting Steps Bond of Sheer Eradication Titan (Praetorian themed): Pride of the Praetorian Praetorian Downfall Praetorian Deterrence Tread of Endless Time Mark of the Continuum Crota's End: Hunter (Thrall themed): Appetite of the Cursed Claws from Underneathe Blood and Bone Mantle The Fearful Footsteps Shroud of the Cursed Horde Warlock (Deathsinger themed): The Twins' Elegy Touch of Disaster Robes of Melodius Ruin Boots of Calamity Bond of Dark Worship Titan (Ogre themed): Unending Torture Helm Fists of the Enslaved Chains of Destruction The Quaking Shackles Mark of the Ogre's Gaze None for PoE because it's dumb lmao!
For the quest. Add: SupremeRaccoon I'm trying to rush this. Light 297 Ps4
I would've voted yes but I love kings fall and hate the way the yes is worded.
I like this idea. First time I killed Oryx I had crota emblem and glowhoo on, lol. Would be nice if the old raid were relevant again. Even them dropping year 2 exotics would be a good start.
I'd love new challenges in old raids... Similar to to new stories that take you back to old places... Paradox. I do, however, also like smashing Crota and Atheon in seconds flat though. It gives me much satisfaction after all the trolling RNG gave back in the day.
Your son dies and your dog is the main villain, you either play fetch with him or nuke the Fiji Islands..
5% of forum users are taken tots confirmed
Wooooo year 2 black hammer
I rarely got to do the Vault of Glass because of school, but I found it to be really fun anyway. I support bringing it and the other raid back.
Please no. I did VoG enough. Let it go already. Keep giving me new shit to play.
Edited by Nate: 11/10/2015 11:49:29 PMYes, but can you imagine the year 2 noobs? "Oh I'm level 40, 315 light, this will be easy!" Wait.... "What's an Oracle?" "Why is my screen green?" Guardian down! "Oh I beat the fanatic of crota at the court of oryx" Guardian down x20 You get my drift. Would be great if they introduced the challenge mode to old raids, so the weapons, and armour drop at higher light - but, [b][i]they can only be used as infusion items.[/i][/b]. It'll never happen.
Give it a while they will remake them when they run out of ideas
You lost me at PoE.... Garbage excuse for an activity
Edited by garbaaj: 11/10/2015 11:44:32 PMI voted yet but not because of the reason you put
Simply silly to me to trash content you've spent years creating. Keep it relevant simply by offering new weapons. Maybe even change the locations of where a class spawns. And or change the ads. So put a wizard where a boomer was etc.
No, it would take more effort than it's worth, and the old weapons would make everything new obsolete again because they were OP. I like that they took the old areas and made new missions in them, that's a much better use of the assets from the old raids, and doing more along those lines is a better idea. It also just makes more sense. Like, wait, didn't this huge ship roll in and wipe out the awoken because we killed Crota? Didn't I crash his funeral in this exact spot?
All raids should still b relevant due to being bloody fun! Although trying to get my m8s to do a vog or crota theses days is nigh impossible. Im kinda interested as to wether new players are going into the old raids at all or are they just going for TTK?
Yes. Simple as that.
They should have made the old raid gear the only year 1 armour you could bring forward... Ie infuse to give it a higher light level. Admittedly you can now get other legendary gear up to a high level but the old raid gear should also be included so it wasn't a total waste lol. Would also help make each persons character more individual as you'd have more choice...
Didn't we datamine a second set of armor for each class way back when VoG first came out? Just use the nightfall idea from below, and make the checkpoints drop this new armor at the new levels, with a little extra goodies on completion as it has extra modifiers active.
Yet bungie will keep it this way for some iditotic reason. I would honestly prefer VOG armor and 320 light than any hive raid.
Wait we already spent time to grind those.. I don't want to go back to playing old content unless it's just for fun.