"Same." [b]75%[/b]
"I'm so bored!"
She sighed.
[spoiler]time skip?[/spoiler]
20 Munutes later, the elevators reached the top.
"Finally, that was horrible." [b]xerox steps off the elevator and looks around[/b]
"No kidding." She stepped out, and looked at the Colony Ship.
"Now, we get that case."
"At least we can move."
"Yeah. I'm guessing we go up?"
"Guess so."
[b]xerox begins to look for the way up[/b]
"Well, I'll see you on the other side." She jumped towards the other side, and continued on.
[b]xerox begins to climb up the way, making sure that she didn't fall[/b]
She could see flashes and hear gunfire.
[b]xerox begins to climb faster, trying to reach the top[/b]
[spoiler]To the top of the Colony Ship, or that place where yu jump across the crane thing?[/spoiler] Continue.
[spoiler]the crane[/spoiler] [b]xerox reaches the crane and looks around[/b]
She saw that the crane lead to the ship, the gunfire came from there.
[b]xerox begins to sprint over the bridge and jump over to the other side[/b]
Serena was behind cover as Acolytes were shooting. "Nice of you to join."
"Should I use the device now?"
"If you feel like it."
[b]xerox stabs her sword info the ground, wondering what will happen[/b]
A small pulse wave erupted from it, and taken orbs sprouted from it, rushing towards the Acolytes, taking them. Instead of being black and white, they were white and black. "The coloration is to differentiate between normal Taken and Temp-Taken."