Unfortunately, actions taken are based on one thing: money. At the end of the day, we truly do not matter... It's all a matter of "how do we make as much money as possible without completely turning off our entire fan base? " which they have somewhat accomplished. I mean everyone complains but nowhere near all of those people actually leave destiny.theyve created a game play that is highly addicting with a weekly grind.they know thousands upon thousands are still going to play the game in the end even if they fall short in ample areas
bs. They tricked me again year 2 .. because they acted as if they are aware of the dumb shit, and they'd stop it. They act as if they knew what we wanted, and they'd deliver. But.... no. Now, they've taken my blue flame skull and xp boost. No one asked for that. E light was amazing. It Opened MY CHOICE/PREFERENCE of any gear/ gun I choose, and be at max power while stunting in my fly ass robes of no tomorrow ( Ninevah shader ) .. but no ..they took that. Hell, these ho's worse than Oryx. they even left the dregs out, maaaaan. You know, they weren't part of the taken. Nor the vandals. Why leave the homies behind, man?? WHY DISCRIMINATE !!! Guaranteed i wont get the next DLC, tho
Pretty sure I read that the silver transactions were like the top sold add ons on all of PSN. They are making absolute metric -blam!- tons of almost free profit. Bit that's another matter.
No doubt. Read a forum post about someone spending 200 on silver and not getting the skull mask...stuff like this is what does it. Because this is one person.imagine how many others who have even spent 20 on it? That's a dlc for everyone who spends at least 20.we got this guy purchasing 10 dlcs on his own
You know that Destiny will be heading down a dark path when developing a handful of masks probably made almost as much as a 20 dollar expansion.
I would even go as far as saying it generated more than a normal expansion.people ate that sh1t up like no tomorrow