originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Yeah. But the thing is, you can only control 5 Taken at once. So.."
"Would it be safe to use the device when it's blinking yellow?"
"That means it's almost done cooling down."
"Oh, that I'll wait. What should we do now?"
"Not die, probably."
[b]xerox looks around, seeing what they were up against[/b]
5 Taken Wizards were firing at Serena behind cover.
[b]xerox sends some solar bolts at them, trying to distract them[/b]
"Maybe if we say please?"
"I don't think they are open to negotiation." [b]xerox attacks one of them, swinging faster than the eye can see[/b]
"We could try!"
"Fine! Hey wizards! Could you stop attacking us?!"
They seemed to laugh.
"Or you guys can be major assholes."
"So. Here;s the plan. Kill 'em. Sound good?"
"Sounds good!" [b]xerox keeps up the attack in the wizards[/b]
[b]Now I really wish I had space lasers.[/b]
"Yeah! They would be useful!" [b]xerox kills one of the wizards[/b]
[b]At least I can open things! And stuff.[/b]
[b]xerox kills another of the wizard[/b]
[b]Your bullets aren't doing anything, really.[/b] "Wow. You're very encouraging."
"Do you have any void weapons?!"
"Yes actually. It looks like a bow, and I had completely forgot about it."
"Using it would be a good idea!"
She jumped and shot it, still having the black and white coloration. The void tethers grasped the Wizards, firmly holding them in place. They were also slowly taking damage, as if it were squeezing them.
[b]xerox begins to attack them again, taking advantage of their weakened state[/b]