Kronos Seeder
"Listen closely. They speak of the Garden. It blooms across not acres, but eons."
Exotic Sidearm
Tier 1: Solar damage; Endless Loop (this weapon needs no ammo. It can be fired rapidly until it overheats.)**
Tier 2: idk
Tier 3: Hip Fire
Tier 4: Quickdraw, Explosive Rounds, Increased Stability (but lower range)
Tier 5: Hezen Hellraiser; kills with this weapon have a chance to grant an immediate cooldown (meaning overheating is reset)
Stats: 90 RoF, 15 impact, 35 range, 75 stability
Looks: Exact replica of Slap Rifle. When weapon starts to overheat, weapon grows redder, and vibrates.
Sounds exactly like slap rifle
**Sort of like the EM1 in Advanced Warfare
Advice for tier 2 or which ever you had missing, Burst Fire, This weapon will fire 5 rounds in quick succesion
Just like Mass effect 1...
I'd buy that for the item description alone
Sounds awesome.