Solution: All raids have a 300 light difficulty.(or whatever the new normal raid level final boss is, for future expansions)
-This level increases to the level of the newest raid whenever a new raid drops.
-At this difficulty, Raid bosses (from any raid) drop a token that you can get once per boss per week.
- This token replaces normal drops but is guaranteed. (Hard raid of newest expansion also drops harrowed tokens).
-Another token drops as a reward for beating all checkpoints in a raid.(no skipping to just boss fights)
-completion also drops a completion token for that specific raid, harrowed completion rewards an additional harrowed token.
4 tokens per raid and 1 additional for newest raid:
-VoG: Atheon, Gatekeeper, Templar, completion
-CE: Crota, Deathsinger, abyss, completion
-PoE: Skolas, round 4, round 2, completion
-Kings Fall: Warpriest, Golgoroth, Sisters(drop removed after next raid is released), Oryx, completion
(4 completion tokens)
(Currently 17 raid tokens per week max)
(6 harrowed tokens available per week)
Vendor in the tower:
-sells raid gear at a random level within 10 of current raid difficulty (currently 290-310) with random perks
-has gear from all raids, and new gear is added when a new raid is released
-gear costs a different amount of raid tokens depending on what armor slot and raid it is for
*edited out for new harrowed token use*[spoiler]-harrowed tokens can be spent to raise light of a raid piece until it hits current max level (currently 320)
-1 harrowed token per 1 light level per gear piece./spoiler]reworked to more appropriate solution for leveling lots of gear[/spoiler]
-harrowed tokens can be exchanged for 10 raid tokens,
Harrowed tokens can be exchanged for a piece of common gear at 315-320 (no perks and mediocre stats) for infusing Into gear
-Raid tokens can be spent to reroll an armor piece or weapon (5 per roll)
-Raid specific completion tokens can be exchanged for 3 raid tokens
- 5 raid specific completion tokens(not set on this number) can be exchanged for the raid exotic for that specific raid (necro for CEtokens or mytho for VoGtokens)
-new content is still the best way to gear up and get tokens, but other raids are still viable for leveling
(New max tokens per week, if all completion tokens and harrowed tokens are cashed in for plain tokens: 89)
Vendor pricing would increase for new gear, making it harder to hoard coins and instantly level up for new raid without running it.
VoG armor:
-primaries(element removed) 10 tokens
-secondaries 5 tokens
-heavy 5 tokens
-helmet 5 tokens
-chest 3 tokens
-arms 2 tokens
-legs 2 tokens
-class armor piece 1 token
-Ghost(yes, they would add a ghost) 3 tokens
-artifact (yes, add that too) 3 tokens
-Sparrow/ship/shader 1 token each
(Full set of gear: 87 tokens)
Crotas End:
-Helmet 10 tokens
-chest 6 tokens
-legs 4 tokens
-arms 4 tokens
-Ghost 6 tokens
-Artifact 6 tokens
-Primaries (no element) 20 tokens
-secondaries(aside from black hammer) 10 tokens
-Heavy 10 tokens
-ship/shader/sparrow 1 token each
(Full set of gear:161)
Kings fall:
-Helmet 40 tokens
-chest 24 tokens
-arms 16 tokens
-legs 16 tokens
-Primaries 80 tokens
-Secondaries 40 tokens
-heavy 40 tokens
-Ship/shader/sparrow 1 token each
(Full set of gear: 619 tokens)
Bungie looks at idea, mmmm. No we can't make money off of it. Next!
I could tell you of a great surge of gameplay, I could tell you a tale of continual Content development and relevancy, I could tell you of a sure way to increase player numbers by making the grind less repetitive, stories of gamers bored of the same gameplay. Now the stories have stopped..... but the gamers are bored anyway.
I'm to bored to explain why I'm bored.
Yes! This right here! A currency from the raid to buy raid gear, because some of those items just won't drop. But let's get real. Bungie won't allow this. Removes valuable play time :P
It would increase overall playtime, because people would be able to grind old raids to get extra coins for new armor (new chest would cost 24 coins following this model), plus we know people will grind to keep rerolling items (Gunsmith proved that) and this way would reward effort more than luck(making the community happy and willing to put more effort in). I also made this right before bed, and now Actually looking at it, I see a few more things I would change to increase viability of this model (completion coins could be raid specific and separated from raid coins, and used to build that raids exotic, or exchanged for raid coins. That way after "x" number of VoG completions, you can buy a mythoclast, but not a QBB or Nechrochasm. That way you can't just grind one raid and eventually unlock all the raid drops.)
Shameless bump because my reply was buried
1 more time
Bungee needs to hire this boy for creative design.
Ironically, I'm actually applying there after I graduate next semester.
I hope they accept you :)
Thanks, Guardian! You and me both!
That would be freaking awesome
This would be something i would like to see... Tired of doing king's fall and never see anything dropping, and when it does, it is lower then the ones i already have, at least would enjoy going to vog and CE again
Thanks, and people who can complete the entire raid get faster gear/ roll for better perks more than those who can't, but those who can't can still get a helmet and raise their light.
Far too much work and complication... Much easier to just have them drop as normal just at a higher light level
From a c.s. perspective, thia would be extremely simple to do. Hardest part would be the vendor(we've already seen them impliment a new vendor with new currency via tess), the drops would be a simple reworking of the look table, and the new light level would just be upping the light level of enemies.
This will never happen as it makes sense and is thus a violation of activision bungie agreements.