Hah, I'm not even out of university, what pay grade?
Why does money suddenly come into it?
I realised a while ago that it was easier to sound smart on the Internet, or like, use big words.
Then I realised it is better to try and provide information accessibly.
Then I'll forgive your amateurism on account of training wheels but you're not gonna succeed at University unless you can defer to professional standards and independently discover them - so do so. Till then, spare us all the information accessibility crap. You've peddled exclusively in rhetoric, sniping and dingbat. Not an auspicious beginning.
You have barely said anything that means a thing, you sound like the love child of a thesaurus and a pod person, you make sensationalist claims, so please, enjoy my mute
Well, if you can't shut up or respect anything beyond your own rhetoric, going away will do. Good riddance kid and don't try this crap on your profs either.