Anddd hereafter has about 20 more than 1000 yard and no one uses that. We don't use it for aim assist , it's just the best sniper of that impact and comes with a great scope and perks
Edited by Racho: 11/9/2015 2:23:43 PMFor 2 reasons people don't use it. The first being a large amount of people dislike the scope, which you obviously can not change. On a side note, the archetype isn't too great either. Secondly it takes up your exotic slot when that can be used for things like Bad Juju or Red Death. If you have a well rolled hacksaw or an equivalent then that doesn't apply to you too much. I'd also like to add that nearly nobody uses lower aim assist snipers. That's because once you enter the 50ish area it becomes much easier to snipe, but later on into the 60s and 70s it becomes less of noticeable difference, but is still there.
Edited by Wassonn: 11/9/2015 9:28:49 PMYou partially just proved my point a little. The scope plus impact is the main reason people use it. Or at least me Edit. I'm talking about 1000 yard