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Oh this post is about basics to the game. Simple items that maybe we don't know or just forgot.
These save time, save face, or just save something. What ever you can take from it.
Edited by chucklenoris: 11/9/2015 3:47:54 PMAttributes Since I just posted about Light Rating (LR), I'm going to follow up with attributes so you can better understand when I say things like "your play style". I will note that your situation will also change your attributes, but that is more PvP and raid based. Also for added benefits from armor and or weapons I will be posting on specializations later. For this post we will focus on solo play and let the Situation post handle the rest. Types of Attributes: Intelligence: Lowers Super Cooldown (base is 5 minutes) Discipline: Lowers Grenade Cooldown (base is 1 minute) Strength: Lowers Melee Cooldown (base is 1 minute) Supers have the longest cooldown. Supers are your attacks like Nova Bomb, Arc Blade, Sol Hammer.These are your stronger attack that can deal heavy damage and one shot lesser beings. Having a reduced cooldown means you activate this ability more often. Another way to lower this cooldown is with orbs of light. These are given off my a player using their super and can be picked by others. So for more supers more often, load out on equipment with Intelligence. Grenades are a crucial parts of game play. First all are for damage, but some are also meant for CC (crowd control). Notice how a Titan throws in a Pulse Grenade or Magnetic Grenade. Enemies will take the hit or walk through it. These types of grenades are good for straight damage. Notice a Hunter throw theirs and the enemy avoids that area at all cost. This forces them around or to stop in their tracks. This is a good CC measure to hold out against a massive front. One could argue that there are two CC methods. There is containment which is what Hunter grenades do, or there is kill/weaken methods like a Thermite or Solar Grenade would provide. In either case you want to load out on Discipline. Melee ability is to not to be confused with the fact you can melee. Your melee is the punch (titan), knife (hunter), or push (warlock). Your melee ability is an added effect to your base that does extra damage and at higher levels gives off a side effect. Most melee abilities start off giving off extra damage, then turn into giving shields, making the enemy take increased damage, or blinding them as a few examples. These are good for that finishing blow, added protection, or regaining distance. To get the most out of your melee load out on strength. So game style, what do I mean? Well watch yourself play. Are you all up on your target using melees and using full aggression in combat? Are you trying to control the battle from range by using grenades for CC and picking off headshots? Or are you using that super to completely destroy your targets and carve a path leaving death in your wake? Simply watch your methods. Some of you may use a combo of these types. Figure out which one you prefer to use more often or wish to use more often. Example: when I play a Titan, I'm always in the targets face, besides bosses, so right now I'm trying to find gear that loads me out on Strength, but I also use my grenades to push them into a corner. Unless I'm rocking a defender or striker, I do not use my super. As a sunbreaker I can gain simmering flames which lowers my cooldowns on my melee and grenades. This fits my play style for that sub class and I need to load out on Discipline and Strength. As my hunter going Shadow Stalker, I use my grenades and super as CC. I need to load out on Intelligence and Discipline. It's good to be max level, its better to pay attention to how you play per class, per subclass. Once you figure that out you can load out your attributes to fit your style and allows your methods to become better.