I would shut up and wait patiently like my parents taught me. If the dlc passes and I never saw those maps, then I would have a right to complain
Interesting to see that point of view. I guess when you go to a dealership to buy a car, just to find its seats removed once it's delivered to you, you'll just ride around on your ass until your contract expires. I mean, they didn't tell you the seats would come with the car WHEN you purchased it... Sounds absolutely -blam!-ing ridiculous doesn't it? But turn on that brain for a little while and think. Other than in scale... how are this example different? You were advertised a piece of content, and it was not given to you. It was not specifically stated the seats would release when you bought the car. Your fault for assuming.
I'm not sure which side of the argument you're attempting to support. But using your example, I know the dealership would have my seats in the car. Bungie has that beautiful fine print