It's capitalism. It's partly what makes our country great. If you can benefit from a skill you possess that someone else does not, there is nothing wrong with it.
This man gets it. Don't go after the guys charging to be to the lighthouse. Go after the people dumb enough to pay real money to go somewhere in a video game
im good at going balls deep in your mom
Im good at going balls deep in my own ass.
I feel like that's the motto of every hooker everywhere.
If everyone had that mentality the world would be even worse than is now
Yeah IF they had the same mentality, but we don't do we?
Not we... You and a handful of other winners
[quote]If you're good at something never do it for free.[quote] I couldn't agree more. If someone will pay to be pulled through trials or even raids, I say let them. It's their money at the end of the day and kudos to the cats capitalizing on it. We live in a capitalist driven society so how would one see this as "wrong"? I say if you can get it get it.
This^. Friends and family can be exceptions unless you're willing to price the cost of a friendship
I'm an agent of chaos
let's not blow things out of proportions.
Get back in your grave, Lee.
Bruce Lee does not simply "die." I'm a myth. I'm a legend.
*Tear rolls down cheek*
You quoted the Joker, just for that +1
I shall never masturbate for free again.
Sell your sperm to a sperm bank.
Ahhhhh that made me chuckle
You forgot to add ~The Joker