Which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that the delay was not expressly stated.
No word on the matter has been said. For all you know, for all anyone in this community KNOWS, these exotics might be pushed into the next expansion and we'll have to purchase them again.
This would not be a problem if they had stated they would be unavailable. Since they didn't, it is false advertisement, as they were mentioned in interviews as existing (half dozen for each class), and shown in gameplay trailers.
Remember the agreement they reserve the right to change the game at anytime
Yeah, because Terms of Service makes false advertising ok!
Okay or not as long as its legal they can do as they please.
They'd legally be allowed to remove Venus patrol tomorrow if they desired. That doesn't mean such acts shouldn't be discussed, just because they have legal standing.
[quote]They'd legally be allowed to remove Venus patrol tomorrow if they desired. That doesn't mean such acts shouldn't be discussed, just because they have legal standing.[/quote]