For those of you saying it's fake you obviously never seen a brad new tattoo in real life. It's real trust me
No its not. I man even if it is real it's really shitty. New tattoos don't look like that
It's real I have 30 plus tattoos and trust me it's real. You can even see where they shaved.
That gleam on it is a dead give away. All new tattoo's have it. And just because it not the greatest artist in the world that did it dosent mean it's fake
OK still not true. A new tattoo does not always have a gleam. I have a tattoo I got a half sleeve done in one day and it had absolutely no gleam
This is 100% false, a new tattoo even without lotion or anything on it will have a shine.
That is not true what you just said is a lie
You have no clue what you are taking about then.
Really cause I have a half sleeve and I went to watch a friend get a full sleeve and neither were Shiney till he put aquaphore on so
Ask any artist whether they want to take a picture of it the day after or a month later. They will always take the latter because most of the shine should be gone from it. I'm not here to argue, I have over 100 hours in the chair. It's just a fact.
You're an ignorant one aren't you? Mine had no shine and neither did hers get the -blam!- over you're such an idiot I don't care how much time you've had in the chair just because yours may have shine doesn't mean mine did or hers it's not a fact so get over it
Lol. Okay. Enjoy your ignorance.
Ha Yeah say it to me when you're the dumbass Yeah Alright haha have fun ignorant ass
- Read day 8-10.
Yet that's still all incorrect for me so it's all opinions
Ok maybe I just depends on the tat the ones I've seen my friends get are about that size and they had it for awhile. Evidently it helps the skin or somthing
The gleam your talking about can be lotion or aquaphore which doesn't prove it's a tattoo just a heads up
I can send you another picture if you're so determined I'm lying ;)