Hey guys,
Everyone says Gamers are always "ugly"I say: NO! ;P
[spoiler][b]Moderator edit:[/b] This thread has been moved to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140397455/0/0]#Offtopic,[/url] a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/218625]Index,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Will send pic after 100 replies. gg forums
Good lord yall some ugly ass mfs
I find this bizarre, I never think of myself as good looking, if a hot bird shows interest in me I tend to think 'well what the -blam!- is wrong with you?!'
Edited by Steelheart: 11/10/2015 6:54:01 AMI'm a half African half Arabian guardian who resides in Canada... Weird huh? Probably the youngest on this board too (17) :V http://imgur.com/OjYy1LT *waits patiently for picture of smoggy*
Mtashed[spoiler]no homo[/spoiler]
I'm living proof
Edited by iWasBorn2bLegit: 11/10/2015 5:28:02 AMWell someone on here is always telling me that I "look cute today". It makes me feel special. Does this happen to anyone else or just me? [spoiler];)[/spoiler]
It's a myth. Like girl gamers. No such thing.
Edited by Synergy-Seven: 11/10/2015 6:26:47 AMMe tho: http://imgur.com/hHZscCF [spoiler]In Bali with my "give me attention and forum approval" pose[/spoiler] http://imgur.com/saL0Xmw [spoiler]In Halloween 2014 - came dressed as my comic-book hero - The F4gg0t in Purple[/spoiler] http://imgur.com/jbxg9YP [spoiler]Me when i play Destiny on Xbox instead of PS4[/spoiler]
I'm 2 hawt for this thread 2 handle bb
Edited by hellabruh: 11/10/2015 6:28:12 AMWhat up pretty fam
Seriously why is this topic relevant in any way? What happened to the forums are actually about destiny!? This isn't a beauty forum it's a destiny forum -__-
I am quite attractive if I don't say so myself. :)
I'm on the lower end of the spectrum. I'm probably not ugly enough to make you throw up, but I'm nothing special.
I am..... [spoiler]a VICTOR SECRETS....[/spoiler]
I pulled a Blue Steel on my boss in the interview. She promptly bent over her desk and lifted her skirt and said "will this position be ok"
20 years old male Ability: good with my wrist
Edited by bLooM_pHaZe: 11/10/2015 3:24:37 AMI'm pretty handsome, buff, sporty and intellectually inquisitive with a 50/50% philosophy towards women in general, with the exception of the bedroom because then, it's 85% attention to them and the rest is me. He he. [spoiler]in reality I'm also extremely modest and humble.[/spoiler]
I'm fairly sexy.
Yeah.... Not me... If I am sexy, Donald trump is the more swagest human in the world ...
My mum says in attractive ....
Someone wan the dick