Hey guys,
Everyone says Gamers are always "ugly"I say: NO! ;P
[spoiler][b]Moderator edit:[/b] This thread has been moved to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140397455/0/0]#Offtopic,[/url] a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/218625]Index,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Op should post pics
I'm a Greek Australian. If that isn't the epitome of hot, I don't know what is.
Tbt im the sexiest gxmer alive
If you could just bump my comment if you're attractive that will be great ha
Edited by Syndicate Bias: 11/20/2015 1:58:04 AMsure but im ugly so fml-_- I am a male, 12 years old, fat and have lots of acne, glasses and yellow teeth, I usually get picked on by chool kids and I don't get anything during valentine's day because Im a sad piece of shit..here's my pic and im serious about it! [spoiler]http://imgur.com/tWF2xny[/spoiler]
Edited by Weezy G.: 11/22/2015 1:44:14 AMI just have nice eyes and a beautiful daughter
I thought I looked good, until a friend told me I look like a dinosaur
No they usually say women gamers are ugly and male gamers are fat and live in their parents basement. If you are gonna post something about stereotypical garbage that has no bearing on the game what-so-ever at least do it proper like.
I mean half of the people on Offtopic think I'm hot, so we exist.
Edited by Etheric Peace: 11/20/2015 11:19:29 PMUhhh...*Slowly leaves post* I'm not showing my fave on here yet. Don't get your hopes up. Peace shall remain a mystery for a good while. EDIT: If you can give me three good reasons, I'll post a picture of me.
Edited by SovietPotatoe: 11/19/2015 3:31:54 PMThe moment you realize every girl in offtopic jumped off their lurk platform, and posted pics to be praised \(o-o)/
How about gamers that finished school?
Edited by anzuren: 11/22/2015 4:33:34 AMEh, ive always been put down as a kid. But i think ive gotten better grown up :D http://m.imgur.com/account/anzuren/images
I'm above average
I am soooooooooo hot ahahahahahahahahahahahah...........................................................................I am not hot (crying)
https://instagram.com/p/9xgheHlC9m/ -YourLandlord
Edited by AnieMcBeth: 11/10/2015 1:58:19 PMHere's me :-) as i made this post, i have to show me, right? :D Go add me on ps Network if you want. Same name as here...
Me on the far right.
Why is everything just selfie threads?
Those shitty RP threads are less cringe than this >_>
Slippery when wet
I wanna jump on the ugly bandwagon! http://imgur.com/vTmR5sR
Lol, moderator just wants you to pm them. Then they will reply "send noods pls"
Love this thread. God, this forum is full of some really insecure, desperately lonely people. Good for a laugh.
Too true.... [sddhjsjdspoiler]