Edit: Combat rating is holding pretty steady as the clear winner of this poll.
I've tried to argue with people that skill is determined by more than KD alone, and that if you're going to judge by KD then they should go by recent kd, instead of overall.
I've argued that win % and combat rating are better indicators, but that didn't seem to go over well either.
Some people say that trials and rumble kd are much better indicators, and they might be for that particular situation, but again I don't think it shows overall skill.
What do guys think? My personal opinion is that these numbers show nothing when taken individually and it's better to look at the big picture.
Edit: alot of people are asking what combat rating is, here is my understanding; Combat rating starts at a base value of 100 for everyone, if you play 'within expectations' it doesn't change much, but if you do better or worse than those expectations it will change alot.
I think it takes the teams average combat rating, and which ever is higher is expected to win. I don't know if it accounts for individual kill/death in the same manner or not.
If a team has a much higher rating than yours and you lose, you don't lose much, but if you win you gain alot. The opposite is also true, if your team is much higher and you win you don't gain much, but if you lose than your rating is dropped alot.
I don't know how much more goes into it, someone else can correct me if I'm wrong.
Not being a desticle!
Eye test. Numbers lie and stats aren't really that important especially with the amount of lag some people experience.
I look at it like this. <1.0 = Bad player 1.0<k/d>2.0 = Good player >2.0 = Really good player.
I can't say Win/Loss nor K/D are good indicators of a person's whole skill. Combat rating is a way to check a person's skill level but most don't entirely understand it (myself included) so I'd really just check everything about the player. Maybe objectives captured or average assists per game. I'm honestly not sure there is one specific stat that can tell you how good or bad a person is
Win/loss ratio is the most deceiving one. People with high win% generally play with premade fireteams. Communication makes that much of a difference.
Idk what combat rating is.
What's combat rating?
Come on, we all know the measure of a pro player is how much you blame your team. If you aren't getting payed 4m a year to play, you don't complain nearly enough...or you're not Korean. Kappa.
Definitely not win% because if you get put on a team that sucks it's not your fault, KD is fine if you look at the recent KD because I really sucked at the beginning of this game, and now I'm good so.
I'm white trash and I'm in trouble
KDR is a naked statistic, it is also fast becoming a legacy statistic. In a game like CoD where kills are all that matter, KDR is very relevant. In a game like Destiny which has greater depth, KDR only tells half the story.
I've never understood combat rating. I have a 2.0 K/D with a 2 million medal score. I'm a top 1% player in almost every category and at my peak my Warlock was ranked 7000 in the world. Yet my combat rating across my characters is like 129. What gives?
Weather or not you have ToM/spindle, grimoire over 4000000, 65+ hard mode completions with 0 deaths, +6 kd in crucible, 35 trips to the lighthouse, 3 different characters over 315, 9" dick...etc.
Kills per hot pocket is what I go off of usually
Squeekiness or lack thereof
Ayy! I'm top 3% in Combat Rating! I usually play by myself when I PvP. So my stats aren't the best.
Nlb kills
Does anyone voting combat rating actually know what factors into the calculation?
I don't think KD really matters cause I for one don't sweat when playing a regular match of crucible. The only playlist where KD would even come close to meaning something would be ToO
KD has a broad impact on skill but when you get down to comparing a 1.1 vs a 1.5 it's not very accurate some people play with fireteams only in skirmish and pub stomp, others quit when they're getting whipped and some wait for combat...once the loser falls they will pop out and kill the winner with their little health remaining(camping). Trials is where it all counts but you still need 2 players to perform. Most good players have a good team, but some players play solo(like me) and it's hard to find a quality team.
Halo 3 k/d. K/d in this game means nothing
None of those listed above. Skill in PvP is dependent on communication and team work on offense and defense. Numbers can be skewed any which way so it's not a reliable measurement of "skills". For PvE it's all about game mechanism and communication. Understanding campaign exploits, spawn points, terrain exploits and just being chill because it's just a game.
I prefer the K/D+A thing that the Destiny tracker does.
I'm a 34 combat rating at skirmish. Good? :0