I know I'm an attractive guy, and every gf that I've had hates gaming and the fact that I love gaming. I'm 26 and will continue looking for that gamer girl, or at least one that has no problem with it.
Eh I see no problem with gaming, then again I'm the type that would grab popcorn or a beer and watch lmao
We need more women like you
I game to help if I'm stressed or just to unwind. I'm sure guys do the same. :) Plus I know the struggle of someone interrupting mid-game and screwing everything up. Lol its vital to just sit and wait.
Finding an attractive gamer guy who no lifes it is JUST as much of a grind. Trust me.
Probably easier to find a male but hey maybe that's just cuz I am one idk
Trust me... We exist
Yes, an attractive guy who loves gaming, who has a job and lives on his own. I see your point.
Story of my life. And I'm 27. Finding a hot girl who's also into gaming is like the holy fkn grail.
When the struggle is real...
Fact! I'm always looking for a chill gamer girl or one that can tolerate it. They always play cool at first but after a few months the true colors show and nag about it. Then I'm out haha
I do love gaming :)
A year younger than me nice but you're far far away my friend :) and it looks like you already have a man judging by the ring in one of your pics, could be the wrong hand, but can never tell with selfies these days
Been there dun dat
That's exactly how each one started.
I feel your pain it's more of a grind than destiny